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  1. So back in 2018 at FWA I commissioned Kenner for two badges, one for myself and the other for my SO. I was told that we could pick them up Monday before they left but unfortunately we had to leave Sunday night. I provided them with an address where they could send the badges once they were finished but we never received them. A year of waiting later I get back in contact with Kenner and ask for updates, I get told that they're being worked on or sent to me and nothing happens for months. I'm told I would receive scans, nothing. After those months of waiting I gave them an ultimatum, show me that something has been done or I'll be requesting a refund and sharing the chat logs that I've kept to as many places as possible. Doing that got me pictures of the badges actually finished, so now all they had to do was mail them to me and I provided my addresses where they could send me the badges (I moved so I made sure to give them the updated address). Now I'm about to move again, I gave them a day to have the badges to me by and told them again that if I didn't get the badges, I'd be sharing the evidence that I have of them not following through on their commission. Now that time has come and I am following through.
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