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Everything posted by Raggedy

  1. On November 15th Roger had posted a YCH that interested me, I had reached out to him and secured a slot in the YCH list. Upon securing a slot I was met with a very polite person who gathered the information required and quickly sought out to work. I had received a few updates within the week of paying them, and was really excited to see the finished product! However after a few weeks, I had not heard anything or received any updates, so I reached out and Roger explained that a few design choices I made may take longer, I reassured him that that would be fine and to take his time and not stress over it! After a while I still had not heard or received any progress updates, and had sent a few messages with a month in between, I know with Covid during January things kinda were starting to go upside down, so I was understanding!~ They finally responded and apologized and said they didn't mean to ghost me. I shrugged it off and told them not to worry about it. I then waited another 3 months with 1 message probing for updates once each month, with no response, when in march he finally responded with a screenshot of a small portion of the commission. I was pleased to see any progress at this point, as it has been quite a few months for a simple YCH. I praised them for their work and then waited for the next update to come, hopefully soon. For the last 5 months I've sent 1 message each month, asking for any sort of updates or response, and despite twitter saying that most of them were read, no response. This time I was getting worried, as they were posting frequently on their feed, but not responding to DM's. So I figured maybe I'll try messaging them on FA, maybe twitter DM's were messed up or something. So I proceeded to message them on FA, and about a day later I noticed that the message had been read, at the time of writing this post, that was almost 2 weeks ago. I really don't like going to this level with artists, especially those that I have commissioned in the past, but I am apparently not the only one, according to a recent shout on their FA shout list. So I just want to caution whoever I can, they draw great art, but just be mindful if you consider commissioning them!
  2. The attitude, sketch or not was uncalled for, especially towards a paying/regular customer, I hope they don't expect their money/Art Career to be taking off anytime soon if this is how they handle their customers. Hope you get your full refund soon, this is awful!
  3. Update: Hours after posting this Fen broke their silence with me and told me that I can have the character back, and apologized for the trade going sour. I still say beware as it still happened, and I believe the only reason they broke silence is because of public eye.
  4. This was a Character for Art trade: The Agreement was that they would get the character I was selling for 70$ in exchange for a art piece as they were a artist and short on change. I had posted a character for sell for 70$, it had a slew of art for it! Fen contacted me requesting that they didn't have 70$ but REALLY wanted the character and would be willing to deliver a flat color in exchange for it, they also said they can send me 20$ within a week on top of the flat com. After seeing no other offers, I decided to roll with Fen's offer, and took the flat color, we exchanged details, I sent her the file of the character, and I moved on and allowed her to start working, she claimed to have a WIP for me within a few days. After a week I had heard nothing so I reached out, and they delivered a sketch! I was happy with the sketch and moved on. I waited about 2 weeks after that and reached out again asking if there was any updates, they responded with essentially the same WIP as before, but with the head lined. That's okay! I'm just happy to get a response at this point, I can wait for the art! I waited for about 2 weeks again, and contacted them looking for a update, but alas no response. At this point it is important to mention I belong to their discord server, and while I sent my message I noticed that they were VERY active in their discord, so I was a bit confused. I shrugged it off and waited about a week, and then tried knocking again to see if I could get something, this time pointing out that I've seen them posting, but not sure if they just forgot to respond, we're all human after all. Still no response, and like last time, very active in their discord, actually even streaming free art streams! I wanted to make a comment to them in the discord to see if they would respond to me then, but I really didn't want to put them on the spot in front of their patrons like that. finally on Friday I contacted them pointing out that if they didn't want to do the commission anymore, we can work something out, and find a solution, but they needed to respond to me to do that. alas no response, with the same situation as before, very active in their discord. So I decided maybe discord was broken and contacted them on Twitter DM's nothing. At this point I got annoyed at them, and was beginning to become agitated, I sent my final signal out in hopes maybe that would get to them, but still nothing. [This is Fen accepting the offer via discord after I asked if it was still available. After this I sent files, and exchanged what I wanted in the art piece] [This was the last message I sent almost a month ago, asking for ANY sort of response, otherwise I would try finding a home for the character as they have not upheld their end of the deal] At this point I'm not sure what to do with the character given they bought art for it already, and I doubt anyone would want to buy it with this drama attached, but I just want to make sure no one else falls victim to this!
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