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  1. I'll try my best to explain this case in chronological order. I claimed an YCH from said artist on Furaffinity on March 7th, 2020. I also paid it the same day. The basics, linking characters and discussing the little details. Nothing alarming. Fast forward couple months, when nothing seemed to happen, I asked them about the delay. It already took over three days to get a reply after being left on read, which unfortunately cannot be seen here. In August 2020 I actually got a WIP, well, after asking for it. Little did I know when I thought I'd get updates without asking. I was still confident that my fear was irrational and that work is being done. 9 months went by in absolute silence. (Later in the post why I didn't go poking them) I started to get really suspicious about what's going on. Anyone familiar with Furaffinity's file number system notices immediately, that their queue has years old YCH's and commissions, from which some has been completed, but I'm unable to find the most. Tells something how well clients are updated when even public queue is so neglected. Almost every client update has been a new or old reason why work couldn't have been done. Very unprofessional in my opinion. The text above describes my experiences with them until my first attempt here at Artists Beware. Moderators instructed me to give them a final warning before posting on AB, so I did. I went on full disclosure, and said that I've already gone to AB with this case, mainly to strongly describe my disappointment. I admit on my end that my actions haven't been flawless either, not even close. But I believe lots of the readers here at AB know the frustration when you think you've been scammed. Even in that case, I should have asked some questions, no matter how pointless doing so felt at the time. In the other hand however, I've commissioned dozens of other artists and they all provided updates themselves. So it's fair to assume it's a standard? Especially when to my surprise, today I found out that their TOS actually comes in two parts. The second part being so well hidden in the clutter of their front page that in all honesty I only found out today, May 19th, 2021, when making sure that none of my sayings is false. To which I never received a link or instructions to find it, neither of them. Well, see for yourself, is it easy to find? Though it seems that there is a connection in my proof that I have seen both parts. From which I had close to zero memory at this point, I realized this myself when noticing that my statement "I remember being told it'll take some time" was written on said missing TOS half. Honest question, am I expected to remember after over a year who had split their TOS in two, or what exactly was written there? Well at least that I was wrong about the client update policy, but also that the usual waiting time has been multiplied by 14. Content of the easily found TOS... ...and the not-so-easy-to-find one. My initial assumptions were quickly proven wrong, work had been done. To which I tried to apologize and told them that I'll have to reconsider my actions. I explained what has led to this and said I may take down the AB entirely. Well that was a lost cause. The main point is turning to their wait time and attitude. I've waited over a year and I get told that queue must be skipped due to a tight(??) deadline. How long I would have had to wait? Another year? This time frame is simply unacceptable. On top of that, my apology was turned down, with quite offensive wording. It was indeed me who started this, but it was also me who tried to apologize and make things right. They decided to hold to the hostility until the very end. It's apparent that they had no intention to resolve this in a civil manner. I wasn't left with much more options other than showing everything from start to finish. By the time of writing this I'm fairly confident that I'll receive the art after all, much work has been done in the last few days.
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