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  1. unfortunately it is true, but I'm not going to go after the $2 from the original price. I was naive back when I first paid and take the fee as a lesson learned really. More so to not let things go so long past the original promised date.
  2. This has been resolved. Woke up to the refund (minus paypal fee) in my paypal account
  3. As of yet I am still awaiting the refund despite the artist having sold many adopts between their reply that they would refund me and my posting this. (1 AB and they have had a few would be enough to cover the refund)
  4. An update to this, after I sent the note asking for the refund April 11th at 20:17 artist noted back just under 12 hours later agreeing to do the refund. Sent them a reminder of my paypal address and now awaiting on their reply to let me know they've sent me the refund.
  5. I won a Your Horse Here auction from the artist back on April 29th 2020 artist asked me to send them a note and I did with my email to get invoiced They never sent me the reply saying they had sent the invoice and I noticed it 5 days later when I logged in for another invoice. They had sent the invoice over as a Friends and Family request and I unfortunately was new at commissioning back then and did not know better then agree to that option. they never responded to my note when I found the invoice and let them know I paid it. I sent them another note in September checking for an update and I did get a Work In Progress image: since then I've asked for another update back in December I requested of them to do a character I had previously bought from them. I'd had other horses if he had been to complicated for it and would have been willing to change to a simpler horse if requested. to which it was marked as Read by fA but I was never replied to I sent another request for an update 3 weeks ago as we are quickly coming up to the 1 year mark since I commissioned the piece and the message is still marked as Unread they have recently posted finished pieces and more recently favored a new piece of art I have sent them a new message asking for either an update or a refund and will update when I get an answer to my latest note. I have some artists I have waited Longer then a year for. But that is with communication between myself and the artist. I am normally level headed and honestly I would not miss the $30 quite so much as unlike most I had steady work while others were in lock down and such. But with them ignoring my asking for updates and such. It rubs me the wrong way. I understand there might be things lost in translation, but I have worked with numerous artists who rely on translators to understand the work and I've not had any issues. So I'm feeling at this point that they don't really care about their smaller commissions, as I've seen art posted from their Iron Artist type stuff that was paid more for and art turned around faster then I have been waiting for this piece.
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