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  1. Re: being active on their NSFW account... they're actually active on two separate Twitter accounts, which means they probably see my tweets at them and still choose to ignore me. Infuriating. I would also note that another person in my situation apparently did get a refund, but only after Shout massively guilt-tripped them about how much the refund hurt them financially. Also thanks to James for the edit to the main post; knew I missed something lol
  2. Shout opened for commissions in October of 2020 and being a fan of their work I jumped at the chance. I can't find the tweet with the original commission opening; sadly they seem to have mostly nuked both of their Twitter accounts. I have attached acceptance of the commission and proof of payment though. So I paid, and then... nothing. For months. I sent them an email, left them a shout on FA (which they deleted), tweeted at them, then tweeted at them AGAIN and still received nothing. Then I get a Twitter DM saying I will get a refund at the end of the month. I would rather have the art, but great! Sounds good. No update from them since. Radio silence. I even tweeted at their NSFW account recently and still nothing. I am guessing, judging by their TWO lengthy Trello queues and constant nuking of social media accounts and making of new ones that I'm not the only person this has happened to.
  3. UPDATE: She finally finished the piece. I don't know if she saw my post or what, but she did deliver the finished piece. Only took 26 months...
  4. I wish I didn’t have to do that, but I have learned from her and a few other artists that that’s the only way to get them to do their job. At least the other person who owes me a commission from 2019 gave me a WIP in December 2020.
  5. Pretty simple, Ryun opened for $25 sketches, I claimed a slot, then we negotiated the price (I asked for something with an outfit/props and that raised the price to $30) and I never received it. I would attach the original tweet she posted, but she's since deleted it and my reply doesn't make sense without the context. This is the entirety of our conversation together, including a smaller screencap for the latest message due to the fuzzy date format. Then here's the proof that I paid her on June 20, 2019: At this point I have no confidence that she will ever get back to me, or that I will receive my art. She either straight-up ignores you or gives you the run-around. I know $30 doesn't seem like a lot of money, but I still paid for a service I'll likely never get. Also note that she changes her username a lot, and has her read receipts turned off on Twitter. Goes without saying, but I can't recommend purchasing from her.
  6. My apologies; I didn't mean to insult you! And you're right; writing a bad review isn't a callout. I've thought about doing this, but to your other point, if they're comfortable ignoring my messages I feel like they may just ignore the threat of a beware. Additionally, one of these artists is someone who's had multiple bewares written about them (I unfortunately learned about this after commissioning them), so I feel like they really wouldn't care if I did write a beware. I hadn't thought of that! I'll try that; thank you.
  7. I’m just feeling really beat down right now. I’ve been waiting on two commissions for over a year and both artists have stopped answering my messages. I really don’t want to post a beware; in general I dislike callout culture and don’t want to upset the people I’ve commissioned. Additionally, I’m afraid that the artist might make a callout post in retaliation for my beware, which might be an irrational fear, but still. It’s just not okay for someone to take money in exchange for the promise of art only for them to not only fail to deliver the art, but stop communicating with the commissioner altogether. I’m fairly certain my issue is “bewareable,” but I figured I’d ask if there was anything I could do before posting a beware, especially given that the window to ask for a refund/chargeback through PayPal has long since passed. And yes, I’ve tried messaging them about this. I haven’t heard back from either of them for several months. Thanks in advance y’all.
  8. Profile pic is by SweetPupperoo on FA.

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