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  1. I'm 99% certain the "free" art was a copy paste or a trace. She came up with it within 15 minutes of me telling her I found her second profile, and she acknowledged it wasn't my character. Wrong hair, wrong eyes, wrong colors everything.
  2. TL;DR at the bottom. Hey everyone! This is Sugarbabie, formerly known as CherishArts. I was put in touch with her through a mutual friend. She said that Sugar had opened up emergency comms to pay for her baby, I liked her style, so I said sure. It seemed like a win win. I ordered two pieces, a ref sheet and a bust, totalling $70 + a $30 tip because I was in a giving mood. This was on January 27th, 2020. (Censored name is the mutual friend) What followed was 6 months of radio silence for the most part. No updates, no WIPs, mostly ignoring my requests for updates. There were a lot of excuses regarding health and real life complications. I was more than happy to oblige. I know life is tough right now, and I am patient. Suddenly in May it dawned on me I hadn't seen her discord updated in a long time. I went and checked and it had ceased to exist. Naturally this sent alarm bells ringing. I went and checked her FA, no updates there for a month, but someone mentioned a second page. Sure enough, Cherish was now SugarBabie. All her socials, Ko-Fi, and Patreon were all new as of March. Suspecting she rebranded to avoid fulfilling her queue, I added her on her new discord and told her how bad this looked. She profusely apologized. 2020 sucks, life is hard, apology accepted. She offered to rush the art overnight, or give me a refund. I stated I wasn't interested in the art anymore, and I would like a refund. However with the ghosting, I didn't trust her to follow through, so I told her I would start a chargeback with my bank. She agreed. I called Paypal, they told me to call my bank. My bank told me that since the transaction was over 90 days old, they couldn't initiate a chargeback, and I would have to go through the artist for a refund. I message Sugar back, explain the situation, and am hit with a flat out refusal. Apparently her offer of a refund was off the table when I said I would do it. When I explained what the bank had told me, she dug in, taking personal offense to me messaging after I "couldn't get it done on my own." I was shocked. Frustrated, I went to her FA and left a shout that explained the situation. Essentially a 1 star yelp review, it was rapidly removed and I was blocked. I messaged her back and asked for a refund on the service she failed to provide. She continued to claim she fulfilled her TOS though nothing was delivered, stating I voided the contract by initiating a refund. She somehow thinks she can keep the money though nothing was given aside from random free art that isn't of my character nor is it what I asked for. Apparently that qualifies as fulfilling the order, just throwing something random at the client. To top it all off, she threatened to sue if I "slandered her business" with bad reviews or "harassed" her by asking for the refund she said I was entitled to, and apparently I'm being reported to law enforcement, though I guarantee that's just a bluff. TL;DR: Artist attempts to avoid fulfilling order by rebranding, refuses to refund me after I went to handle it on my own, claims she fulfilled her TOS by throwing random art at me, threatens to sue if I keep leaving bad reviews.
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