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  1. - a wish washy customer is never a good one. I personally would've cancelled the first time they asked -unfortunately the likelihood of you winning a case with PayPal against the buyer for digital good is low. Especially with the way the payment was taken. You can try to fight it, and I encourage you to try, but I think I can count on one hand how many people I've heard have success. -in the future for projects that are big. Absolutely always invoice someone. four things under $50 I will generally allow them to just send it to my email. But the moment things get above $100 I am typically more inclined to send an invoice. - I also don't know if this client was a friend before being a client or what the situation is here. But I would highly recommend limiting outside of work interactions with clients. Because of exactly these reasons. I've had similar happen where if things didn't go well outside of the business transaction, they then would take it out on the business transaction one way or another. if you're the type that likes to make friends to via business. you can always explain that if at the end of the transaction, they would like to keep in touch they're welcome to do so but during the transaction you would like to keep things professional.
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