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  1. I saw what you wrote about UWW  and I began to cry so hard and wished I knew this sooner. I spent $200 and the way he does business felt like He is putitng preasure on me!..
    Something I should have noticed with a red flag. He said he needed the money but then afterwards I cried after noticing he is stalling.

    it has been a month so far and he claimed he got this artwork down. BUt so much problems and excuses came that it became unprofessional.

    THIS IS for a $200 sketch!..and now I am crying. 

    I wanted to say thank you for the warning but I felt it was too little, too late. IT has been a month after this so I already requested VENMO for help.

    What I wanted to ask from you is, HOW do you cope with this pain? or the aftermath?.  You are so calmed and felt like it hasn't hurt you compare to me who has ;_;!.

    Thank you again and I hope to hear from you


    He uses the "my mother is dead" trick.. and last year he used " my father is dead" trick to my friend. 

    and to think I made friends with him too!

  2. Normally artists have no problem with status updates, Just a quick "Hey would you mind if I asked for an update on the art" And at this point I doubt I'll see the art or my money. and sadly its not an isolated case.
  3. Lync

    Beware - copycatz

    Yeah I've had the misfortune of dealing with this guy. Initially acted really nice and acted like my friend...but was all to get money out of me. Really sorry to hear you had to go through that. And that's just insane having something back from 2016 and hearing nothing about it.
  4. I commissioned this artist back in October 2019. I had previously received completed work from this artist and at first everything seemed fine. So I commissioned him again this time for a new OC character. It was planned to be for a much larger story project, however I ultimately couldn't afford the project it so I called off the project and stopped at just doing the the commission for the new OC character. It was still agreed on to complete the character which had been started and paid for. And is shown by a previous message on December 23 asking for an update on that commission. The most I have received of that commission is an incomplete sketch, nothing close to the completed piece, and that was over 7 months ago at the time of writing this. Later when cancellation is mentioned I spoke only on condition of receiving a refund if the work would not be completed. It was either giving the money back for the art or completing the artwork. And I have received neither. Working with him he acts extremely unprofessionally, when I would ask for an update on the art and eventual refund would completely flip out in a rant and try to guilt me into thinking that I had done something wrong by asking for an update on art that I had paid for. He would cite things such as others have paid him thousands for art on why he's not working and things with life (such as his daughter and other family) repeatedly as another reason why the work isn't done. As well as guilted me for simply asking for an update for art I paid for, calling me selfish and saying I only cared about myself for asking even though I would go months in between asking about the status. And finally threatening legal action for saying I would go to my bank to report undelivered goods. He mentions doing free work, however that was never the case. There was never any free work agreed on or done, only paid work. An important note he originally reached out to me to get me to do a commission with him, by complementing my character and generally buttering me up and acting friendly just to ask me if I wanted to commission him. I previously had posted a client beware message on his Deviantart page as a comment, however he deleted it and blocked me from his page entirely. He operates another page which I am also blocked from viewing. As of writing this I have received no contact from him it has been nearly a month since the last series of messages. And no updates beside the sketch from 7 months ago on the art I have paid for. While he continues to remain very active and post art on patreon, deviantart, furaffinity and twitter. Below I have included conversions with him asking for status updates, and a refund. As well as the message showing payment send and the WIP sketch.
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