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Everything posted by Heathecliff

  1. I don't like the fact that I'm having to do this, but as I couldn't resolve this in a pacific way with this client, I've decided to make a beware so that other artist don't end up on the same situation as I am right now. Costumer: @lopinhojaneiro ~ https://t.me/lopinhojaneiro (Telegram) Telegram ID: 6328315414 On December's end (most specifically Christmas) he came on Telegram to me asking for a animated icon of my Star Fox YCH. I accepted and started working on it the day after, soon I sent him the sketch for approval. Everything before asking for the payment. (Something that I always do, and that is stated in my ToS that can be found on my art channel @JellyBeansArt). Besides that, the user ignored me without reason for more than a week regarding the payment of 50$ BRL (around 10USD) for the commission, and was incredibly rude when I questioned him about it, who answered me saying that I "Haven't finished it yet so I won't be paying". On my advertisement of that specific YCH I explicitly say that I finish it up to 24h after the payment (I said the same on the conversation with him, but he just ignored saying again that he won't be paying). So if you doesn't wish to fall on this pit, I suggest avoiding this person's fursona. I'll be leaving here links that lead to his fursona's reference sheet and some extra artwork of him. Along with it I'll also leave a video that shows all the conversation (portuguese only) and prints of it on both Brazilian Portuguese (original) and English. Sorry for the poor quality of the english translated images, I took photos of them from my computer screen using my phone to use the Google Translator. The video have good quality.
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