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  • Beware - oCe / electricgecko

    • Who: oCe / electricgecko
      Where: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/oce/
      When: 09/22/2015
      What: Commission


    oCe opened a big Beach Bonfire YCH in 2015 (See here: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/17220132/ and here: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/17219741/ and the actual auction for my spots here: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/17364640/) and I grabbed several spots in it for a friend and myself. The auctions for the spots in the big YCH stretched down to December, because she was auctioning them by groups.

    Payment was done on Sept 22nd, 2015.


    The first updates were journals on February 2016, though she did posted other journals taking commissions in the meantime, and would keep doing it until she more or less vanished from the face of the internet altogether around late 2017:

    One in the 15th: https://www.furaffinity.net/journal/7381550/



    And one on the 29th: https://www.furaffinity.net/journal/7411940/1547403162_02Journalfeb201602.thumb.png.e00842aedb33c55ebc08fcb89f072a7e.png


    I sent a couple emails that went unanswered in July and September 2016:



    Then she sent an email to everyone in the YCH with the first WIP in October 2016:



    The WIP looked good, so I didn't try to contact her until January 2017, and again in March since my previous email had gone unanswered:



    Then she posted a journal on July hinting that we would receive some WIPs (https://www.furaffinity.net/journal/8307192/):



    And one in October 2017 explaining that stuff happened but we would finally get a WIP soon (https://www.furaffinity.net/journal/8456845/):



    I never received the WIP this I sent her an email in November 2017 asking about it, but never got any answer:



    Then in March 2018 and April 2018 I sent mails again, trying to get some news, with no answer at all again:


    10 reaction AB 2018 01.png

    At this time, I turned to the A_B Community and sent a Lost Contact notice (https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/998856.html) which caused a reaction and I received a mail from her not too long after. Though that reaction would prove to be short-lived as shown by the email conversation below which is mostly me talking with little answers and long delays again between each answer:






    Having ran out of patience, I've decided to make this beware. Obviously, it's way too late to dispute anything on Paypal, so I'm 300$ out of luck, and I have been given little in return for it.

    If this manages to reach oCe, while I'd love to see the finished product, as I still do love her art style, I've lost all confidence that it will ever get done and any trust I could have in her due to the utter lack of communication, despite her telling commissioners to contact her via email and that she would reply promptly. Thus why I'd like to get a full refund of the 300$, and get done with this

    Edited by Celestina
    fixed caps

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    Beware has been resolved.

    I've sent a mail to oCe to warn her that I posted her on Artists Beware when the beware was approved, heard from her within 24h with an apology for not communicating and an offer to refund in full plus the PayPal fees, which I accepted when I saw the email earlier today and money has been sent one hour ago to my PayPal.


    Edited by Tamara
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