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  • Caution - Lil Miss Jay

    • Who: Lil Miss Jay, Jay is butts, Lil Miss Eidilon, JRVanEsbroek, Lil Miss Jynks
      Where: https://twitter.com/lil_mizz_jay
      When: 09/27/2019
      What: Commission


    This post it not to bash Jay in any way, but to warn people about people who might want to invest in Lmj in other fundraisers and future projects.
    So about a year ago, Lil miss Jay started a fundraiser.website.thumb.png.59df915f9d6a5b04d5d77ce80127452a.png

    The deck costed around 50. but if you wanted to donate more, you could get rewards as advertised.


    And I went for the 500 dollar rewards

    As you can see, the dates match. I was supposed to get nude edits of cards of my choice, 2 oc drawings, other decks from past series, and have my own custom cards of said oc drawings. none of these have happened nor have been shown any progress. After the deadline has passed, there was hardly any updates. Months began to pass and I was starting to get impatient. I would think that he would want to keep tabs on me right? One of his biggest supporters? No.... it's just been silence after the dead line.

    I was starting to begin that I made the wrong choice to support him, that this was all a scam. I spent a lot of money and I have nothing to show for it. Recently someone showed me this link.
    So I submitted one and contacted him.
    When he said that I would still pay production, I thought he meant the base price of 50.
    He also owes me another comm worth 75, but that's unrelated.
    He is only planning to refund 75.... which is the oc drawing. only one reward is being refunded.
    And also, a reward that was meant for the 200 backers was taken off because he made a lot of money? Then what was the point of that tier?
    Now I feel like I've truly been scammed. Only being refunded for one reward.
    His reasoning.

    His reason is basically that it's "still happening", so he should keep the money...
    I wanted a refund because it still has yet to happen!
    It's almost been a year and I am highly disappointed. In me and mostly for Jay.
    I've spoken to others who also gave their support and are just as disappointed.
    Which is what got me to do this beware. 
    I'm not saying to not comm Lmj, since he still needs the money to payback his debts and obligations.
    And to reiterate, warn people, that if you invest in Lmj, you might end up being disappointed as well. 

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    I am a Bot. My inbox is not monitored. Beep boop.

    • Administrator


    Hi @Phonynomore your post has currently been downgraded to a Caution.  If you don't receive a refund of $75 by next month, send me, Snowhawk, or Armaina a poke and one of us can upgrade it for you.

    While a year does seem like a long time, for a project of this scale it's hardly any time at all.  52 images is a lot.  Plus all of the edits, which sounds like either they hit a goal that would pay for edits for each card, or that many backers requested an edit to cover each card.  Either way, it's a lot of work and was an extremely ambitious undertaking.

    However, this project does sound like there was some mistakes in the planning phases.  The artist talks about needing to raise printing money, but printing costs should have been calculated in the initial funding goal, set aside, and not touched.  Plus the sheer amount of extra things per category doesn't seem like enough money to cover the labor and extra deck prints involved.  It doesn't sound malicious.  Just missteps that can lead a project into a funding hole.  Hopefully the artist(s) involved can come out of it and get these decks out.



    10 hours ago, Celestina said:

    Hi @Phonynomore your post has currently been downgraded to a Caution.  If you don't receive a refund of $75 by next month, send me, Snowhawk, or Armaina a poke and one of us can upgrade it for you.

    While a year does seem like a long time, for a project of this scale it's hardly any time at all.  52 images is a lot.  Plus all of the edits, which sounds like either they hit a goal that would pay for edits for each card, or that many backers requested an edit to cover each card.  Either way, it's a lot of work and was an extremely ambitious undertaking.

    However, this project does sound like there was some mistakes in the planning phases.  The artist talks about needing to raise printing money, but printing costs should have been calculated in the initial funding goal, set aside, and not touched.  Plus the sheer amount of extra things per category doesn't seem like enough money to cover the labor and extra deck prints involved.  It doesn't sound malicious.  Just missteps that can lead a project into a funding hole.  Hopefully the artist(s) involved can come out of it and get these decks out.

    Ya.... I got too emotional writing this, let my anger do the talking. you're right, I completely agree. I just wanted what I was owed is all. I really do hope things work out...




    it's been a month now, and still silence, i doubt he'll ever give me a refund.... even for the small amount that he offered....

    • Administrator


    2 minutes ago, Phonynomore said:

    it's been a month now, and still silence, i doubt he'll ever give me a refund.... even for the small amount that he offered....

    Got this moved into the beware category!



    heya, it's been awhile hasn't it, almost a year now. Lmj has refunded for both comms. The 75, and the fundraiser. the full amount of 500. After a bit of arguing... If you're reading this jay. Thank you, and sorry for the arguing. even though i was rightfully mad. And thank you for apologizing, I really needed to hear that. Despite my hatred for you, you are a talented artist and I do hope for the best. Ofc I am not going to touch any of the money until the 6 month dead line. I hope your recovery goes well.image.png.54e4db6d62fa66892c1d2c1fb7d6a971.pngry goes well.

    • Administrator


    Changed Resolved to Yes

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