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  • Beware - Jollymount/Doctor Ellios

    • Who: Holimount/Jollymount/Doctor Ellios
      Where: https://mobile.twitter.com/JollymountHoli
      When: 02/24/2019
      What: Commission


    I commissioned Jollymount (goes by Doctor Ellios here) through Discord to get a two character commission, there was a previous commission idea in mind that was still a two-character, coloured piece but I changed my mind and made it an SFW piece instead with the wrestling characters Hex and Sheda mentioned below. The pieces were to be inked and coloured way back on February 24th 2019. 





    The first time I contacted him was March 14th for a status update. He claims I was third on the cue then and talks about how hectic of a month he's had. By the time April 30th rolls around I contacted him again after another bout of silence, messaging him about changing my idea but he surprised me with some work done here: 




    ^^^ There's another month of silence and I don't hear from him until May26, where he claims ge was sick and couldn't continue with the commission until he was feeling better. Which I understood and waited patiently once more until he was back on his feet.


    August 19th, I check up on him and he seems to have recovered. Keep in mind that inbetween these updates, he's putting out streams of him working on other projects and little commission work. At this point I'm getting frustrated after five months and hardly anything to show apart from unfinished rough sketch.


    He eventually contacts me this time when November 18th rolls around and butters me up with offerings of free sketches for taking too long with my commission. This is eight months in now. Foolishly, I accepted this thinking he was eventually going to finish the commission. I was going to drop the idea of other pictures because I figured if he wasn't going to finish the actual commission then how could I expect anything more? 


    January 4th, 2020 -- a brand new year and once again, nothing. I inquire about where I stand on the queue and in his own words, he tells me I'm "right at the beginning". He contacts me with a progress pic on Jan 26 that has been unpinned for a spell. He barely finished the lineart for it and I don't hear from him again until April 8th.


    From April 8th and on, he ignores my messages much like he did before. Keep in mind that each time I inquired about the commission, a month had passed and he had a new excuse each and every time. From hectic weeks, to sickness to computer trouble and I gave him the benefit of the doubt on all of them.

    On April 16th, 2020 I am fed up. I send him a message so we can talk it out. When he finally responds, I issue him an ultimatum to have it finished by April 25th or he will have to refund me the money. You can guess what happens next.



    It's April 26th now. No progress, no answer. I don't know if he will refund me the money. I'm asking for a partial one because despite leaving me waiting for nearly A YEAR AND A HALF for a very simple commission, he still did some. That being said I doubt I'll see a cent of it. So to anyone looking to commission this guy for anything: keep in mind that he doesn't care for your time and will make up any excuse as long as he can get away with it.

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    I'm really torn about the 40% refund thing. If the commission failed on your end then sure, the artist deserves to be paid for the work done. But when it's the artist's fault, then should you really be paying for an unfinished sketch you never ordered in the first place? I know these kinds of analogies can be stupid, but to me that's like ordering a car, only getting the wheels and ending up paying for the wheels, even though you have no use for them.
    But of course you can do whatever you want if you feel like compensating the artist, this is just some general pondering.
    Anyways, this looks like a super exhausting situation and I'm sorry you had to go through this. Having read so many bewares, it's baffling how often I've seen the same excuses over and over again.

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