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  • Beware: @EdjitArt

    • Who: Just a Blue Dergy aka @EdjitArt on Twitter
      Where: https://twitter.com/EdjitArt
      When: 02/22/2019
      What: Commission
      NSFW Content Resolved

    On the 22nd of February, I decided to commission Edjit on Twitter and asked for a NSFW piece with me and and a friend , during this time the replies took normal length and I wasn't starting to panic about it at all. Once they took the money I ask on the 23rd if they received both the funds from me and my friend and they confirmed that they did. From this point on-wards communication stops nearly all together unless I started it back up again.

    On the 24th and 29th of March I ask them if they have even started the commission as no communication was given to me since the start of the transaction, they then responded on the 30th claiming that they are still working on the other commissions before me.

    This is when it starts to get a tad worrying I contacted them on the 22nd of April, 14th and 28th of May asking them how the commission was doing to no response until the 30th of May where I get a message saying that they are now doing commissions again even tho they didn't even tell me that they stopped doing commissions.

    Nearly a whole month later I get a message on twitter from Edjit with a few sketch designs which made me excited that this commission was finally under way but after these images I got nothing for a whole month.

     On July 23rd I asked them how the commission was going and got a response claiming that it was going slow and that I could request a refund if I wanted one, and I didn't take one as I still thought in my mind that they have more than sketch sooner or later. On August 13th I asked how it was going when he then responded 12 days later?! that he was still tweaking it.

    Then nothing, it has taken so long that I mainly forgot about this piece until now that is how bad of a communicator this person is. I wouldn't even be mad if they just communicated better and not left me in the dark.

    I still want this piece but at this point I think I might have to accept the loss of money.





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    This issue has now been resolved, please update the tag to 'Resolved'

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    Changed Resolved to Yes

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