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  • Artists Beware

    The namesake database. Submissions are categorized by "Bewares" and "Cautions".
    Who: Melidraws/FurNpixels/Vaermina/Mondeis
    Where: https://twitter.com/MeliDraws
    When: 04/15/2017
    What: Commission

    Mel and I agreed to a $300 piece of my character with a background. The original agreement is on a Twitter account I deleted years ago, but here are my payments as well as a message on Facebook that she would be working on it.


    Mel had delivered 6 smaller commissions in the past, so I trusted her and was fine with waiting. When she started, things seemed to progress smoothly. (Text with personal details are marked out.)

    I reached out occasionally from Twitter (on the same account that I had deleted) for updates. On her Trello, my piece was last updated in 2019: https://trello.com/b/DTDzsnqX/commissions
    2020 was the last time I sent a message on Twitter. I realized I had not heard from her in a while, so when I went to ask about the commission status, I saw Mel had set her Twitter account to protected (so I could not contact her). I then tried to reach out to her on Furaffinity and saw my account was blocked.

    I tried to contact Mel one more time by e-mail.

    I saw the next day that she had disabled her Furaffinity account and deleted her Twitter.

    I had felt that things were progressing smoothly, if slowly, and nothing seemed out of place. So I was very surprised by the quiet account block. It was only after these events that I checked Artist Beware and saw she had bewares under previous account names. I hope this helps others avoid the trouble.


    Beware Raver Neonlight

    By Addy, in Artist Bewares,

    Who: Raver Neonlight
    Where: https://www.instagram.com/raver_neonlight/
    When: 06/11/2019
    What: Fursuit/ Fursuit Parts

    I commissioned Raver back in June 2019 for a bodysuit with indoor feet. Prices were discussed and the total came to $1050. I later added on custom shoes to go with the feet paws which was $150. Totaling now $1200. 

    I had ask if a deadline of late Oct/Start of Nov as I had a convention later in Nov. He said he would try but he had a convention in July he was attending and would try getting it started in Aug.

    Over the rest of 2019, I had messaged him multiple times asking for updates which I was always met with excuses about illness or family matters. Which I understand life sometimes gets in the way so I let it slide. See screenshots below of all excuses also excuses from 2020.

    Now into 2020 I had asked a few more times for updates to which I was met with more excuses(See above). Then in March world wide lockdowns started to occur. I asked him if he would be working from home during the lockdown and he said he wouldn't be able to so I waited. Come April he mentioned on social media that he would be going back to work. One of his excuses was that my DTD wasn't suitable for use. He had waited almost a full year(April 2020) to tell me my DTD wasn't useable even though he had opened the box when he first got it and would've seen the issue with it(issue was I used cling film instead of a painters suit)

    Proof he opened the box when he first got it

    He claims that is his TOS it states 50% would be nonrefundable once work had started. Not once were his TOS sent to me nor were they anywhere on his profile for me to access. Only a small message at the start did he say "when I start 50% is non refundable"

    After a lot of back and forth I sent him a new DTD and had asked that my feetpaws be worked on while he waited on the new DTD

    Feetpaws were not worked out while he waited for the DTD. He then also had a surgery coming up.

    That was all he had to show, for almost a year. There's no confirming those are even meant to be mine, could easily be someone else's. 

    I then asked for more updates in April and May. More excuses(attached above with excuses from 2019). I was rather upset at this point that I had waited almost a full year and nothing had been done. He then posted that he was selling a commission slot for a head piece that would be started in June. I messaged him rather upset explaining my disappointment that someone would have their piece worked on before mine was even started. On 19th of May 2020 after informing him of my disapproval of the lack of work, he decided to cancel my order and was only offering me a 50% refund.

    I tried going to both PayPal and my bank to see if they could help but because it had been so long either could do anything to help me. I also tried to get a lawyer but because he's in a different country from me(Scotland and Norway) they said it would cost more to get my money back.
    He tried to send me 50% refund but I didn't accept until I had spoken with my bank and PayPal but because both too so long to get back to me PayPal refunded the money Raver had sent back to him. I later requested the 50%($600) from Raver on 26th Oct 2020. Luckily he sent me the money. 

    Raver has since said in a Instagram Live that he does only 30% nonrefundable deposit. I have since emailed him regarding this and he has agreed to refund me. I am now waiting on the rest that I am owed.

    Who: DrakonicKnight
    Where: https://twitter.com/DrakonicKnight
    When: 01/16/2019
    What: Fursuit/ Fursuit Parts

    I am currently awaiting a refund on a fursuit comission that was taken on in 2019.
    It was paid in installments before it was started. I paid one (1) upgrade fee for the markings and then one (1) rush fee with an optional tip to get my suit finished faster. After a large amount of time passing due to the pandemic and problems on the makers end, after multiple requests for updates, I have requested a refund on the 5th of January 2021. Only then was I shown evidence that my fursuit had been started. After a few requests my most recent message from them was on the 12th of May 2021 and despite seeing my messages they have not yet responded.
    I am extreamly hopeful I will get my money refunded as they seem honest with their intent but this has gone on for over 2 years and I can no longer afford to wait. 
    Pictured is the conversation begining where the commision was accepted, discussion of the upgrade fee, discussion of rush fee, when the suit should be started, requesting a refund,the most recent messages sent by me and pictures of Paypal invoices sent and paid.


    Who: RaverNeonlight / Raver_neonlight
    Where: https://twitter.com/raverneonlight
    When: 07/12/2020
    What: Other (Explain Below)

    I preordered two pins of Raver’s characters from Charapins a year ago. Cost me $32 with shipping.  He gave me the run around for months after. I even found a post saying that the pins had arrived and I asked there and on Twitter when the pins were getting sent out. I haven’t heard from him since March. I don’t expect my money back and I don’t even want the pins at this point. I know I’m one of many people that Raver has ghosted but I figured I’d share my experience as well. 

    And last message was sent 07/28/21

    Who: Fruv, Fruvoolie, Fruv#8925, Fruv#8888, u/Meal_T1me
    Where: https://www.reddit.com/user/meal_t1me/
    When: 05/29/2021
    What: Commission

    Found artist advertising commissions on Reddit under the reddit name "meal_t1me" .  I had gotten a commission from them initially on 5/21/21 with no issues whatsoever, and then a few days later they sent me a DM begging me for money. After some dispute over the amount, I agreed on a second commission.   I sent a payment for this commission for £26.25 (£25 + tip) on 5/29/21.
    A few weeks passed with no response from the Artist to which they finally messaged me with that they are "being thretened to be doxed". More weeks passed with no response. On 6/17/21 I requested a refund for the commission. A day later they said they are sorry, they are being threatened, and "will get to my commission ASAP"
    It is now 7/16/21 and the artist deleted their discord and reddit accounts. All screenshots of our conversation, and proof of paypal transaction are being submitted with this post, with sensitive information censored out.
    Some important things to note:
    [Mod Note:  We removed a segment on supposed proof of the user "begging" for money.  While this artist's behavior is inexcusable, they were not begging for money.  They were asking for work.]
    Artist begging for money in a direct message to me Artist using multiple discord accounts  [Mod Note:  Upon looking around, this isn't two discords.  It's Nitro]
    Artist using multiple paypal accounts Artist changed the agreed upon price of a commission Artist has deleted all means of contact  



    Beware: Orange-PEEL

    By RedSky, in Artist Bewares,

    Who: Orange-PEEL
    Where: https://twitter.com/Orange_PEELart
    When: 06/10/2020
    What: Commission
    NSFW Content

    I do not condone any harassment against Orange-PEEL, nor do I wish any harm or ill will against them. Please do not contact them.
    Please know that I am not the only client of theirs that has experienced these issues.
    We both agreed on a total of $540 which was a maximum of 12 fully colored frames, and they included a free climax loop and free background. We also agreed to split up the payments into four different transactions. First payment was sent Jun 16 2020 and last payment was sent Jul 7 2020. I had paid up to $405. The last message I received was Aug 6 2020 until Feb 28 2021. Before that time, any attempt to contact them through Twitter, Email, and their Patreon went unanswered, despite Patreon being their only active platform making monthly updates. I became their Patreon for $1 a month just so maybe I could find out what was going on and as another means to contact them. I didn't learn much other than it sounded like they were busy with other animations, and occasional issues would come up. I only learned from someone else that they have been dealing with lots of personal issues that I will keep private.
    Orange-PEEL responded to my DMs on Patreon Feb 28 2021 giving an update on the commission and saying they were working on a more detailed message that I would receive soon. That was the last time I heard from them.
    I initially contacted Orange-PEEL Jun 10th 2020 on their Twitter. I was a bit skeptical because their account had been inactive for a year at this point, but to my surprise they replied within the hour.

    After sharing some references they went on to give me the final prices.

    I sent some more references and details while getting ready for the first payment.

    They followed up shortly after with an update on the commission.

    They gave another update and I paid the second half.

    After this a few messages about the details were exchanged before they stopped responding. I then decided to try and reach them outside of Twitter, and this is when I became a Patreon of theirs.

    I wasn't able to receive any refund from PayPal due to how much time had passed and sending the money as a close friend/family. I know, bad mistake. Progress was being made so quickly that I didn't think I had any reason to worry.
    They didn't respond to any comments or DMs on Patreon, even when I sent them minutes after an update. The only thing I would receive on their Patreon were rewards sent out through DMs, which felt like a slap in the face.

    Eventually they responded on Feb 28.

    I was happy to hear from them and was looking forward to finishing this up. Never received a more detailed message, just more reward DMs. At this point I want a full refund but I don't think that'll happen. I understand some of the things that Orange-PEEL is going through, but their lack of communication has been very upsetting especially with the amount of money involved. What irks me is how regular they are on Patreon but neglects me as their client (and others) who's spent top dollar. I believe they are overloaded with work and anxiety,  but I don't think that's an excuse to treat a client this way. I hope they are doing well now, and wish for the best out of this situation.
    Thanks for your time!

    Who: Caudle/Sibylline Sounds
    Where: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/caudle/
    When: 03/21/2020
    What: Commission

    Caudle does not create art pieces, instead he creates audios that feature a variety of kinks. Things like hypnosis, vore, coiling and the like. He writes the script, creates the sounds, and hires a voice actor for it. He mostly creates audios for purchase on his store at  Sibylline Sounds, but he also offers custom audios of your character. I commed him to get a vore audio of one of my characters. I sent in an application and he responded the same day confirming the details and giving a deadline of 2-3 weeks. (Some of the email correspondence will have weird formatting. This is because I deleted them from my inbox and had to find them in my sent mail. Also, I censored his email, because while it is the official email for his store, I wanted to be cautious.)

    I confirmed the details and paid the invoice.

    After about a month with no updates I contacted him asking for an update and was told there were some delays and I would have a script to approve that week.

    I was never sent a script, so I waited a couple of weeks. After not hearing anything I contacted him again at the end of May asking for another update. He apologized for the delay and told me he would send a script soon. Which I never received.

    After this I held off from requesting updates for a couple of months thinking that the pandemic and things going on in his personal life were probably taking precedence. In December of 2020 I sent another email asking for an update, but got no response.

    Finally near the end of January 2021 he contacted me and gave a short update, including a small draft of the script. I was told that it should be finished sometime in early February.
    Never got contacted in February, so I waited a couple months and sent a request for an update in April, but got no response.

    Later on in the beginning of June I sent another email asking for a response. He replied back, saying the delay was because the voice actor he wanted to use was not responding to any of his messages. He offered a refund, but I declined because I really do want this audio. I asked to be kept informed about the status of the audio and he agreed to send me updates every week.
    After a couple of weeks of not getting any updates I sent an email asking if he had any luck finding new voice actors. He replied that he had and sent me some demo reels of a couple of actors.

    A couple of days later I asked for an update on the script and he replied that he made some progress on it, but was having writer's block and asked for suggestions for other scenarios.

    That is the last correspondence between us. I still really do want this audio, his work is amazing. I understand that creating an audio is more complex than general art. I do understand that delays and IRL stuff do happen. I just wish
    he were more communicative about that. If delays happen I want to be informed and if I deadline is missed I want to be contacted about it instead of me having to contact him.

    Who: Rose / Africana
    Where: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/rose/
    When: 06/09/2020
    What: Commission

    Contacted user on June 9, 2020 about an Overwatch YCH for $60 (original submission has been deleted).

    Payment receipt:

    Did not hear from Rose for close to two months and checked their page in late August 2020 and found a journal about refunding commissions due to technical difficulties and contacted them, at which point they agreed to add me to their refund queue:

    Did not hear from them again and noted a second time on November 8, 2020 about the refund agreement above:

    Once again, no further contact after this. Sent a third message in January 11, 2021 which has not been read:

    Sent another message June 2, 2021 which so far has also been left unread:

    User is currently still actively posting to FA, just want to put this out there to make sure no one else ends up in the same boat as me.

    Who: BrokenVocaloid
    Where: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/BrokenVocaloid/
    When: 06/05/2019
    What: Commission
    NSFW Content

    The 5th of June, 2019, I approached BrokenVocaloid on the subject of attaining a YCH of theirs called the "Prison YCH" replying to the post directly and asking them if I could send my own reference sheet via the notes system which was agreed upon. (First picture) And on the same day, I sent the payment which was accepted. (Second picture)
    Around that time, BrokenVocaloid was going through lots of stress, stating said stress through journals, and expressing their frustrations through art, explaining their situation and saying about how their rent was the main reason behind the delays in art. About a month later, Jul 19th, 2019, I sent her a note, asking if it had been done as of yet. At the time I was very timid, and felt bad for asking, even though it'd been a month in which I hadn't received any WIPs or as such, messages. I got a reply back from them with the following. (Third picture)
    So, I waited a little longer. As I said, I was quite timid, and felt bad about sending that one message, so I decided to give BrokenVocaloid some space, and forgot about it...
    ...Until I realised how long it had been since I had heard anything. (Fourth picture) September 4th, 2020. I like to think I'm pretty patient, but there is a limit. I constructed a message, and sent it off asking if there were any updates. What followed was a conversation that started with them saying they would check to see if my commission was done. September 13th, 2020. I personally looked through their gallery, making sure to double check it for my promised piece, and could not find it. I waited a little longer as I felt I might be harrassing them and did not want to cause drama or more stress. So I... Waited another month. October 11th, 2020 To which I asked if they'd found it, to which they replied, explaining they were very busy with work. (Fifth picture) And as the naive, timid person I am, afraid of making them angry, I refrained from messaging them, which I regret. Because it now brings us to the present day.
    April 27th, 2021 I asked if there were any updates regarding the commission. Waiting two years now, I was starting to realise I would probably never receive the artwork, but decided to persist. (Sixth picture) They told me they were still trying to get a lot finished up. This time I didn't wait a month, or leave it for longer, I messaged them a few days later asking if they had made a start, or finished it. (Seventh picture) Which takes us now to June 26th, 2021.
    BrokenVocaloid explains that they had been fighting with the mods and in parenthesis, "again", but did not elaborate. They said they would be sending it out tomorrow, and thanked me for their patience.
     Jun 29, 2021 - Jun 30, 2021 (Eighth & Ninth picture) Pretty much explains the rest of it. They did not deliver. They did not finish it. I haven't received a single WIP which makes me question if they ever even made a start on it.
    I understand that I made a lot of mistakes during this communication. I could have gotten a refund back, I should have acted upon that. I made the mistake of trusting BrokenVocaloid. I had commissioned her before, so I believed that it would've been fine, wanted to be understanding and friendly as to not put her under pressure. I apply the same to any other artists; It takes time to create art, and I'm willing to wait. But there is a limit to that patience, and at that point I feel more hurt that they keep attempting to keep the charade going of getting my commission done, than just telling me the truth and that they've not made any progress on it at all.
    Trying to go back to the original post is in error, due to the YCH being removed by BrokenVocaloid at an unknown time, to which I provided proof for that. (Tenth picture)
    My last word on the subject is that I'd recommend you don't buy from this artist... Even if you have a lot of patience, it's not worth it.

    Who: BlazingIfrit
    Where: https://twitter.com/ifritlair?s=21
    When: 06/28/2020
    What: Commission

    I paid for a full body piece of Blazing Ifrit's commission which happened in June of last year. I was happy that he was sending me WIPs of my commission but I noticed he started taking other commissions as well which he hasn't fulfilled mine yet. When I asked him why the commission wasn't finished yet, he basically said that he was having a difficult time with his friend (or sister) with their suicidal thoughts. 
    I cut him slack because he was going through a hard time. After a couple months , I poked him seeing how he was and if there was any progress at all. He gave me one more WIP on FurAffinity but after that, he hasn't been giving me updates or WIPs at all. Today, I asked him if I could get a refund and waiting to hear back from him. This artist should be avoided due to their lack of communication and lack of service. 



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