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  • Beware: Vella C. Raptor

    • Who: Vella C. Raptor
      Where: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/vellacraptor
      When: 10/10/2011
      What: Commission

    • Feb. 13th, 2012 at 5:01 PM
    WHO: Vella C. Raptor on Furaffinity

    WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/vellacraptor
    and Email

    WHAT: Very old digital art commission from October 2011.

    WHEN: Paid in October 2011

    PROOF: Her art que that I have been at the top of sense October, NO progress on my image sense then: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?hl=en_US&hl=en_US&key=0AjIe-vKisy0idEpuUjhpczFBakVnUWkzRjY4T19kWnc&single=true&gid=0&output=html

    Our original agreement that was NEVER started so I ended up changing it with her full permission shown in the screen shot after this one:  http://tinypic.com/r/296knwi/5

    Here is my commission change where she tried to charge me more after agreeing CLEARLY in the screen shot above to color the image how I had my previous commission done: http://tinypic.com/r/16ibuw/5

    Our talk after I responded to her trying to change what she had promised: http://tinypic.com/r/14bqhhy/5

    at this point im super annoyed.

    The due date she promised to me: http://tinypic.com/r/25a2lo1/5

    her excuse last month promising the commission before Jan was over. How could mine not get done when she posted random art and other commissions almost every other day? (view her gallery for more dates): http://tinypic.com/r/aka5np/5

    message I sent her a week ago never opened when I see she leaves comments on others daily so I have been ignored: http://tinypic.com/r/mbidsj/5

    So i decided to email her, it took a week as well to get the email response. And it was not a very nice response either. She talked to me as If she would be doing me a favor putting my art with her Christmas art...when my commission was supposed to be a gift in OCTOBER that I told her about multiple times, and she continues to ignore that acting like its a HUGE favor to allow my commission to go with over due Christmas art. She also previously gave me multiple due dates and such as listed above, NO progress images were ever given. Personal art and other art continues, but my art once again was the piece that magically vanished with her computer issue story.


    VERY annoyed customer.

    EXPLAIN: I asked her multiple times about it and she never responds, got two responses, one trying to charge me more money for what I already paid for going against our agreed price She told me that she did not agree to it, when I proved the message to her she simply said oh ok and let it at that. Have not heard from her at all, trying to get a hold of her. I paid her 6$ up front and was planning on giving her 15 more after the art was done, but at this point im not sure its even worth it. She has done other commissions over mine over and over again. No progress on mine. I am annoyed especially because i was her original first commission on FA and she was great for it, and she has treated me very poorly as a repeat customer.

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