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  • Beware: Timitei [Followup]

    • Who: Timitei
      Where: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/timitei/
      When: 07/01/2011
      What: Commission

    • Jan. 8th, 2012 at 8:21 PM
    This is an update of this:


    She came back to FA about two weeks ago, claiming she had NO POSSIBLE way to get internet access for the past 5 months [even though its only been 4 months since her last submission] and she had been giving people shouts and favs that I saw throughout this whole time, so I honestly don't believe it. And even so, she could have found a way to get up with her PAYING customers.

    Well, she FINALLY finished it, after I talked to her a few times asking her what was going on. 

    I basically commented on one of her submissions to get her attention to finish it, it was personal art which she had been posting ONLY personal art in the past two weeks since she came back. So I commented on her newest submission and asked why was she drawing personal art instead of working on commissions. She proceeded to be very rude to me and was coming up with excuses. I told her it was her JOB to do what she was paid for and if she spent all the time that she had been doing personal art[I counted about 6 pieces since shes been back] then she could have gotten it done by now.
    The submission we talked on is still there but she has hidden all of our comments and I was not able to get a screencap before so but here it is: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/7178207

    Well she posted the submission of my commission a little bit later..

    Submission: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/7178585/
    Screenshot in case she deletes it or changes the tags: http://oi43.tinypic.com/2czyrlu.jpg

    She even wrote in the TAGS of the submission that it was rushed [in a very rude way]
    I pretty much don't even want to use it now, she has left a HORRIBLE taste in my mouth and it makes me extremely weary to ever commission anyone I don't know again.

    This artist is extremely unprofessional and I would NOT recommend commissioning them.

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