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  • Beware: tech_rex - Exodite Dragon / Astralabortion

    • Who: Exodite Dragon / Astralabortion
      Where: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/astralabortion
      When: 12/16/2009
      What: Commission

    • May. 30th, 2011 at 11:37 PM
    WHO:  Exodite Dragon, Astralabortion

    WHERE:  http://www.furaffinity.net/user/astralabortion (transaction went through email)

    WHAT:  Line art of one character on bristol board

    WHEN:  December 16 2009 was the initial agreement and payment (which can be found in the Proof section).  I gave him the choice betwen two characters I'd like to see his take on, and he chose a character named Lazarus. He said the commission would be done at the end of December, and though it was not completed by then, I was not  irked. In January  I receieved a phonecall from a friend who was visiting Exo, asking a question about my character's breasts (they're prostetics) as a sketch was being worked on with my friend helping, my response was they could be anything, including weapons. I could hear Exo inthe background saying he loved the character design, so still I had no worries.  Friend updated me later through AIM saying that I'll really like the finished product. I have yet to see the sketch. 

    From mid to end 2010 I had several RL issues pop up so that commission in paticular was one of the last things on my mind, as well as working on several commissions of my own having difficulties finishing them, I felt it would be hyprocrisy poking Exo.

     In February 2011 I felt things been straightened out enough, so I emailed Exodite on the 27th with an inquiry seeing if he still remembered my commission. He has since taken commissions in the form of ACEO cards and had a list of people whose commissions he was working on, but I was not included in the list and progess being made on these commissions, but not mine. At this point all I wanted to know was that he had not forgotten about my commission.

     At the time he appeared to have had steady internet connection (enough to have a livestream on the 4th of March), but I still did not recieve a response.  He has mentioned he is slow to respond to emails, so I waited before finally noting him on FA on March 24th wanting to see either the sketch and be placed on his list or recieve a refund. At this point I was a little irked.
    I realized he had not been active since the 15th of March, checking his LJ (on his FA profile) showed that the last time he was active on LJ was also the 15th of March. So I felt I like jumped the gun, and decided I'll wait, since he has lost connection before but has had people contact his commissioners and the lack of internet may have just been temporary.  I was working on a A_B article looking for a way to contact him when Exodite reappeared on FA. 

    As of May 25th  my note was read, but was not responded to. I emailed  and noted Exodite a second time on May 27th. In both the email and note were effectively the same, except I pasted the paypal receipt (minus my name and address) in the note. I have recieved no response, but he appears to be active on FA.


     The Paypal Reciept: s640x480

    1st email stating when he was aiming to get the commission done:

    1st Email I sent him in February:

    Note sent on the 24th of March, I messed up the dates of the commission. The note was read, but no response. He did post a journal about a live stream and was responding to comments, and faving art so I noted/emailed him a second time.


    Note/Email2, sent on the 27th of May, the ony different being I included the paypal receipt in the note. I made a grammatical error, he did not respond to the first note, I left out "not".


    EXPLAIN: I commissioned Exodite through suggestion of a friend who had done previous business with him, and he needed some help out and was selling lineart.  At the time I was looking for a Christmas present for myself in the form of a traditional piece, and I was interested in coloring said lineart . 

    I learned some huge lessons as a result of this. I gave Exodite the same treatment I have given previous artists I have commissioned. I should have spoken up and noted him when he started taking ACEO card commissions and ask to be put on his list then rather than waiting months down the road, reguardless of what I felt emotionally then.  I tried contacting him through email since that is where the initial transaction took place, then tried notes, then notes and email. I felt two days was decent enough time for him to respond, especially given he had read one note and knew I was concerned about my commission status. I tried to be straightforward and let him know I wasn't happy. I held off repeatedly writing up an A_B article in some hope this could be settled privately.

    EDIT: Issue has been sorted out and refund has been recieved :B

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    May. 31st, 2011 12:21 am (local)
    I checked through his gallery and my email account, sadly nothing.

    May. 31st, 2011 12:52 am (local)
    Man, you are bloody lucky I checked LJ after stumbling home tonight. XD

    Here's the thing: I popped open FA after a near-three-month hiatus back on the 25th and poured through my notes, found yours - I do have your commission, inked, lying around here somewhere, but it's anyone's guess as to which pile of artwork it's in. I thought I'd have some spare time this weekend to sift around and find it, but that proved not to be the case.

    You've got a few options:

    1). Give me a bit of time to sort through my paperwork and find the inked item; I'll scan it and pass it off to you to see if you feel it's worth me moving forward with completion.
    2). I do recall this image not being something I was terribly happy with and had a much better idea a while after I first got to work on it. Another option is to give me a little while to whip out that other idea and go from there, though it seems we're well past the point of discussing revisions.
    3). Take the full refund.

    Ball's in your court. I'll be cool with whatever you decide to do. ?

    May. 31st, 2011 01:33 am (local)
    no offense, and i know this has nothing to do with me, but what's with the attitude? bloody lucky? it seems as if you're the one who's not been good with communication, so i think the hostility is far from warranted...

    May. 31st, 2011 01:34 am (local)
    Would you like to commission me to draw you a custom infographic outlining how little I care about your opinion of my attitude? ?

    May. 31st, 2011 01:40 am (local)
    no, but i'll enjoy the fact that your sarcasm and general abrasiveness will lose you many customers, as i'm sure i won't be the only one reading this here ;3

    May. 31st, 2011 01:46 am (local)
    ...you mean, I won't get to draw MORE contrived amalgams of some teenager's anguish over enduring a middle American suburbanite lifestyle?


    May. 31st, 2011 01:50 am (local)
    hey man, your loss. you chose to take these commissions in the first place. if you didn't like the subject matter/commissioners/general audience of your work, perhaps you should have pursued a different hobby and source of income

    May. 31st, 2011 01:56 am (local)
    Like what? Insider trading? ?

    May. 31st, 2011 01:57 am (local)
    preferably something not customer service oriented. insider trading works fine for me ^^

    May. 31st, 2011 01:58 am (local)
    Then I'll see you at the height of the next investment banking scandal on CNN~ 8D

    May. 31st, 2011 02:07 am (local)
    I know you originally meant well, but please do not bite the bait next time.

    May. 31st, 2011 02:06 am (local)
    Be a little nicer while in this comm please.

    May. 31st, 2011 05:47 am (local)
    Yeah, wow. At first glance of Astral's post I didn't see any attitude at all and thought that maybe Fenrir was overreacting. Then Astral kept replying...

    Thanks for posting this aware, Tech, and I really hope you get everything straightened out!

    May. 31st, 2011 11:23 am (local)
    Same here, I thought it was just a, how to explain, very buddy buddy way of talking rather then being rude, but then I saw the rest.

    May. 31st, 2011 06:55 am (local)
    Funny, I didn't see any bad attitude in the first answer from the artist, and I briefly thought userinfo_v8.svg?v=17080?v=283fenrirs_child was being too touchy, but the rest of the thread proved me wrong. If I was to say who took the bait, I'd say it wasn't the commissioner, but mostly the commissioner. By acting so rude he made clear his true colors. Good job in getting yourself a bad name, dude.

    Anyway, being things at this stage, I'd ask for a refund and be done with it. God knows I wouldn't want a picture from this person, not even for free.

    May. 31st, 2011 07:15 am (local)
    Checking the tags, it looks like nothing has changed about this artist be it the inability to deliver a product, communicate or type civilly.
    Notes and email should be enough to get someone's attention. Not hoping that they stumble upon an LJ post.

    May. 31st, 2011 08:32 am (local)
    Yeah, that threw me off. The way Astral was like "Boy, you're lucky I logged onto my LJ and saw this! XD" it was like... What about emails and notes and stuff? You know, the stuff they really should be checking?

    Not exactly a brilliant idea to imply that the OP is "lucky" they logged onto LJ and saw the post, or they might have never tried to regain touch with them. ? (at least, that's how it came off to me, anyway)

    May. 31st, 2011 07:39 am (local)
    Hrmmn. See this is where knowing Exo personally comes in handy, as I read something entirely different in the text. Remember, what may /seem/ rude or not is how we read into it.

    Personally I thought that it was his normal sarcasm and wit coming through, and it can be can be sharp but humorous. Inside trader. HA!

    However, there is a time and place for such things, and often the internet is not one of them due to lack on context. *chuckles* *sighs*

    May. 31st, 2011 07:44 am (local)
    Especially with a client, when money is involved, and professionalism is needed. That is certainly the place to drop the act.

    May. 31st, 2011 07:46 am (local)
    Agreed. Even when it is between friends, a little professionalism and tact can go a long way.

    May. 31st, 2011 10:09 am (local)

    i LOLed at the insider trading thing as well, actually

    May. 31st, 2011 05:09 pm (local)
    Yeah pretty much this comment is spot on. I know Exo to some extent and I read that as him being witty, but at the same time I recognize that society (agree or disagree, it is what it is) demands professionalism when dealing in business venues so, yes. There is a time and place.

    May. 31st, 2011 08:58 am (local)
    Same I know exo personally. He isn't trying to come off as rude it's just his sarcastic way of doing things. Many times I think commissioners tend to neglect to look at artists journals and posts reading the normal way the communicate. Sometimes you'll often see commissioners complain about rude or nasty artists but yet at the same time this is how the artist has always been and acts. You can't fault a person for the way they normally are. He's like this with everyone this is exo being exo. He doesn't hide it nor does he try to sho it under the rug.
    While I can agree he took awhile to get back with the commissioner things happen. It's not an excuse nor does it mean I'm shaking his responcibility to do the work he was paid to do but artists are human to sometimes they forget things and sometimes life just gets in the way. Personally he owes me two works as well but i'm not sweating it he'll get to it when he gets to it. He's probably one of the most critical artists I know he critizies everything he does and redoes things twenty times and still isn't happy with it. But thats how he works he doesn't want to give a commissioner a steaming hot pile of penciled out *crap* but to give them something worth what they paid him to do. Which both he and the commissioner both will be happy.
    Thats the sign of a good artist and not just a wham bam thank ya mam artist. You get what you pay for. Yes this would entirely be better if he kept in contact more and he isn't even arguing that point but you guys are hanging him out to dry for an attitude that he's always had. That if the orignal commissioner would have read his journal posts or looked at his other ways of reacting to things should have been aware of as well.

    I'm not saying he's right in the way he act's Im saying he's acting in the way he always has. Tact and professionalism sometimes gets lost in a pile of paperwork.

    May. 31st, 2011 09:21 am (local)
    >Im saying he's acting in the way he always has<

    And it really hasn't done much for him in the past either if you check the tags where he uses the same attitude and even lies to a customer about a shipping date.
    Put aside for a moment that this artist is your friend and think about any other customer service job.
    -Do you think you would last in any of them if you were nasty and sarcastic to your customers? How would your manager respond when you were called on your bad attitude and you told her "That's just the person I am take it or leave it."?
    -What about if when customers paid you, instead of giving them what they bought you "forgot" about it and kept the money? Would they think you were a good, trustworthy person or a scammer?
    -How happy are customers when orders are lost, calls not returned or they feel "stiffed" from a deal? How does this look to other people who may be interested in commissioning you?

    If this keeps happening to him: >Tact and professionalism sometimes gets lost in a pile of paperwork<
    Then he really shouldn't be in any kind of customer service job, let alone art commissions which require discipline as well as good customer service to thrive.

    May. 31st, 2011 09:43 am (local)
    Again your quoting the same thing he has other posts on here as well. did I in any way shape or form deny that he was wrong in his actions? No. I simply stated that its not only the artists responcibility to complete a piece of work it is also a responcibilty onto a commissioner to do research on an artist before giving them their hard earned money.

    A lot of commissioners would save themeselves a huge headache and ending up in this situation if they would research an artist before paying them. A friends word is great but using tools such as A_B is even better. Exo has more then one post on here about his habits and manners if people would take the time to read up before paying an artist to do a piece of work things like this wouldn't happen. They would know about his lack of emailing his bad attitude etc. Heck if they would have thumbbed through his journals etc on FA or LJ they would see he has an attitude problem.
    The point is that his bad attitude is everywhere all people have to do is do a bit of research and they can see it. If I'm going to go to a fancy resturant and spend hard earned money on a meal. I think I'm going to research where i'm going a bit to see if they live up to what i'm paying for. Everyone blames the artists for things but in the same light the commissioners should be held for lack of doing research as well.

    May. 31st, 2011 09:52 am (local)
    ... What?

    So you're saying it's the commissioner's fault that they didn't realize that the artist is a douche before they commissioned him, so it's okay for him to be a douche? Really?

    May. 31st, 2011 09:57 am (local)
    No name-calling, please.

    This is now closed for further comments

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