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  • Beware: Tailbiteryena

    • Who: Tailbiteryena
      Where: http://fursuitauctions.livejournal.com/2218735.html
      When: 10/24/2011
      What: Commission

    • Nov. 9th, 2011 at 7:14 PM

    WHO: Tailbiteryena

    WHERE: This is the link to the head she was offering: http://fursuitauctions.livejournal.com/2218735.html

    WHAT: Fursuit head and tail, an Oshawott like character.

    WHEN: The "auction" began and ended on October 24th, 2011.

    PROOF: http://fursuitauctions.livejournal.com/2218735.html (same link as above) that is the post where she offered the head. I was the first one to take her up on the offer, so she closed the auction.
    That link included a post I made almost a week ago asking about a tracking number.
    I have sent her several private messages over LJ and have not gotten anything back.

    Some screenshots:

    That was the first message I sent them the first night they offered the head

    This is the one response I had from them and my response with my address (blocked out of course)

    Three messages I sent, 2 weeks ago, 1 week ago, and then tonight, trying to get some information on the head.

    The paypal screen that shows that I sent the 70 bucks, 50 for the head and tail and 20 for shipping (which I thought was way too much but I wasn't about to argue too much about it)

    EXPLAIN: Honestly there isn't too much to say. I spoke with the person the night that they offered the head, but I have not heard from them afterwards. I know they said that they were moving and that was why they wanted to money that night, so I sent them the money that night, because they wanted to send it before they moved.

    This is the first time I have posted here, so I hope that everything is correct here. I am not here to badmouth this person, I just want my head that I paid for, that is all...

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