- Apr. 1st, 2011 at 10:50 PM
Who: TwistedCreations on Hentai-foundry.
NSFW link - his hentai-foundry account:
Communication was mainly over MSN messenger, but I sent several emails attempting to contact him.
Digital Artwork of a Female Orc with two versions of the same image, paid in two transactions of $100 each ($200 total).
January 14th 2011 - I first contacted him to commission the artwork. The price and details were agreed upon.
January 28th 2011 - First rough sketch was received and I paid the first installment.
February 7th 2011 - Second rough sketch was received and I paid the second installment.
The last contact I received was on Febuary 7th 2011. I never received the final versions of the artwork.
NSFW text - Chat log of all conversations:
NSFW - Last image received:
Email 1:
Email 2:
Email 3:
Email 4:
Paypal Transfer 1:
Paypal Transfer 2:
Evading me on MSN:
Things went well initially, and the final draft was sent to me on Feb. 7th. I confirmed the final changes and sent the final payment. I have received no contact since, and I have made several attempts to contact him. I have sent him numerous emails asking for any reply or notice that I am not being ignored. He did not appear to be on MSN, but using an alternate MSN account, I determined that he has blocked my main MSN account. Contacting him via the alternate MSN account caused him to block that one as well.
I attempted to retract payment via paypal, but they would not allow me to dispute a payment that was categorized as "other". I have submitted a transaction dispute to econsumer.gov in hopes of getting those payments retracted. I would prefer to have the final work, but that seems unlikely at this point.
I was referred here by the hentai-foundry forums, and I will also be posting this to hentai-foundry to warn others.
Thanks for reading,
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