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  • Beware: Shiroiyuki

    • Who: Shiroiyuki
      Where: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/shiroiyuki/
      When: 10/01/2011
      What: Commission

    • Feb. 5th, 2012 at 11:56 PM
    Who: Shiroiyuki 

    Where: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/shiroiyuki/

    What: A full colored commission 

    When: Going on for close to a year now

    Explain: Well in October I was recommended by a friend to check out her art which I did and I brought a commission from her at the time because she was open and had reasonable prices. So she posted a journal (which she deleted) saying she was giving a special on pics for $25. this my transaction  http://imageshack.us/f/838/incidentone.jpg/

    pg/) this is what i asked for http://imageshack.us/f/826/incident2.jpg/. So I brought a spot. She posted a journal right afterwards saying she was depressed and having an art block. I decided to wait because people have that problem. this was posted afterwards  http://imageshack.us/f/252/incident3.jpg/

    In November I got tired of waiting and looked at her Commission Queue to my surprise my name wasn't there for a commission so I contacted her which went well and reasonable. So after a few days (again...) a new journal was posted saying she was taking new art and such. So then of course another journal posted about an art block. Later that week other people art was posted and still my name wasn't added to the queue. So I was fed up with it and filed a refund because I was tired of waiting and being ignored. So of course instead a well way to settle stuff in a mature manner I got a rage note saying "No I'm not refunding you your money its not my problem this was well hard earn money so don't give me the BS''. She made threats to me as well saying she was going to sue me.shown here  http://imageshack.us/f/545/incident5.jpg/ . Let me point out that I got no update on my art so I went to my bank who is set up with paypal and filed a dispute for my money back because I felt scammed and the fact my bank had a flag with her info . She later posted a journal calling me a rude uncalled for name and deleting it due to her getting raged at for speaking to her clients that way. Later along in the year she is posting pictures of stuff she buying and then writing journals later asking for money. This new year she has decided to start on people art but still has an attitude issue where is uses very rude language in her terms and commission queues. shown here (hhttp://imageshack.us/f/850/incident4.jpg/

    Recently she has went MIA from her account with more people money she begged for a tablet and she has left her account without doing people art. shown here http://imageshack.us/f/600/scammerza.jpg/

    She recently returned with pics of tattoos she has gotten along with a journal full of rage against those who were very unhappy with her taking too long and felt she used the commission money she owe to get the tattoos http://imageshack.us/f/268/rudeness.jpg/

    This issue has been resolve. She has refunded my money so no need to comment here anymore.

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