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  • Beware: Pirate Cashoo

    • Who: Pirate Cashoo, ZombiePirate
      Where: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/pirate-cashoo
      When: 10/12/2012
      What: Commission


    Mod Note: This artist has completed all their outstanding commissions.

    Originally posted on Mar. 19th, 2013 by houndofloki


    WHO: Pirate Cashoo

    WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/pirate-cashoo
    zombiebooty.tumblr.com (NSFW)

    WHAT: 2 pictures. One high-res of a single character, one sketch of two characters that she later offered to upgrade to a colored sketch in apology for the wait - but I haven't seen anything on either.

    WHEN: High res was October 2011

    EXPLAIN: I will concede right off the bat that this situation is partly my own fault. I have a busy job, and don't tend to 'check in' with artists all that often. I paid in full up front for both of these images but went a long time without contacting her, because the 'honor system' has worked out fine for me in the past. I bought a second picture from her when the other one was a year overdue, which was stupid of me - but I honestly lost track of just how long it had really been. So it's partly on me that it has reached this point. I took way too blase an attitude to buying art online, but I've learned from this.

    I had bought pictures from Cashoo successfully a couple of times in the past, and arranged to buy one of her high-res commissions when she opened them up in a journal. The price for it was $140. This was October 2011. I paid for it in full upfront.

    This is where I let things go for quite a while. I bought a couple of bust images from her, and both were completed in a decent timeframe - so I wasn't too worried about the high-res at that point.

    10/14/2012: I checked in with her about and she said it was nearly done. At this point, the problem she was having was something to do with a car; I'm a little fuzzy on details now. I figured the high-res was forthcoming and bought a two-character sketch from her for 90 bucks to help her out (I know. Dumb of me.)

    11/12/2012: She replied to me saying she had started a sketch but lost it in some kind of computer disaster. Promised to give a sketch in 'the next few days', and said she would do it tonight except she had to pay $200 in bills tomorrow? What that has to do with sketching now, I don't even know. I kept my response positive because I was still hoping to get my picture. Journals about various personal problems holding her progress were posted in this timeframe.

    12/4/2013: No sketch. She had posted one of those long whiny journals, but I wanted a specific update about my picture and sent an FA note. It was read, but not responded to.

    Late December 2012: After my note on FA went ignored, I saw her post a Tumblr update about doing a stream. I unfortunately don't have screenshots of this, but I stepped into the stream and talked to her. She apologized repeatedly for still not having a sketch and said my picture was next in the queue after the one she was currently working on (which was Svarta-Perlan's, another AB entry). She offered to upgrade the sketch I bought in October 2012 to a colored sketch as an apology for the wait. Yeah, okay, fine.

    January-February 2013: I sent a couple of Tumblr asks requesting updates, because that seemed to be the site she was using most regularly. Tumblr doesn't record those...but they weren't responded to, anyway.

    March 12 2013: Sent another FA note asking for an update. Still unread a week later, though she has been replying to comments on DA.

    As of today - I still have yet to see even a rough sketch on either image. Her story on DA comments is now that's she's facing eviction. Who knows. I honestly just hope I'll get either the commissions or a full refund at some point.


    EDIT 4/1/2013
    I caught up with Cashoo on Livestream. She sent me an invite to the Asana program and showed me a WIP of my high-res commission (refined sketch with lighting shaded in). So there has been progress.

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