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  • Beware: lightningvampirewolf / thunderwolfcat

    • Who: lightningvampirewolf / thunderwolfcat
      Where: Thunderwolfcat on LJ ; http://www.furaffinity.net/user/lightningvampirewolf/
      When: 10/04/2011
      What: Commission

    • Oct. 4th, 2011 at 7:28 PM
    WHO: Thunderwolfcat on LJ ; http://www.furaffinity.net/user/lightningvampirewolf/
    WHERE: http://fursuitauctions.livejournal.com/
    WHAT: http://i53.tinypic.com/soo1w7.jpg She posted a post exactly like this around the same time to the Fursuit Auctions community. I couldn't find the original post however. For a $25 shipped Husky Tail.
    WHEN: I paid her towards the middle of Febuary, and by April I started to get concerned. It's been pulling teeth trying to get any pictures or shipping information since.
    PROOF: Proof of transaction would just have to be acknowledging that she owes me a tail I paid for. =3= I did not think to screenshot any of that at the time. >:

    First up is the conversation of me even asking if she had an FA, since I wanted some reassurance there were other ways of contacting her. These have how many weeks ago they were sent, how long I've been waiting. This was not long after the transaction.
    http://i54.tinypic.com/2ecdgk3.png & http://i55.tinypic.com/2w5ro75.png
    So then I watch her on there, and feel a little better. She has some older photos of completed works, everything seems good so far.
    Then I get this message: http://oi51.tinypic.com/25pq0bq.jpg
    Okay thats fine, package got returned no big deal. We can just try to send it again. At this point Im sure the tail must be complete because she is already talking about having sent it. So then I wait.
    Continuing conversation:
    Now Im getting really panicy. Am I ever going to get this thing?
    That goes unreplyed.
    Now during this time I join a community on LJ called Pmkncollectors. >_> It's there I learn that this person has had negative feedback there. Makes me extremely nervous.
    Last conversation I could find before contacting her today:
    An so I waited.
    And waited. And waited. Meanwhile commissions open on her FA :'D.
    Anyway I sent her this today and this is the respond I recieved:
    Honestly I dont even want the tail anymore =3= Im more embarassed that I gave some one money and have been waiting since Febuary. I should've done something earlier.
    Although I have high doubts I will be so relieved if I actually get this tail. And I know in my messages I threatened posting about this somewhere, but after thinking about how much time I've had to wait and such I can at least post this as a warning later to people if I do get the tail that this user takes quite a while for her products to reach consumers. I apologize if the set up for this post isn't correct.

    EDIT: November 2nd, 2011
    She just contacted me saying that she wants to start over on a clean slate and send my tail. She even offered to remake the first one from an old pattern to a newer pattern- or some free ears. ? Im very hopeful that this will happen and I can mark this resolved.

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