Mar. 23rd, 2012 at 4:16 PM
WHO: Kwallie on FA and DA
WHERE: and and Facebook
WHAT: Digital commission of HTTYD artwork featuring fursona. Paid $20 USD on February 12, 2012.
WHEN: Communication began on February 8, 2012. Payment sent through Paypal on February 12, 2012 and received on February 16, 2012. No word has been spoken since time of clearance, and no notes have been sent. Has been active on Facebook since time of purchase.
PROOF: Fur Affinity notes. Deviant Art note (unopened). Facebook profile (updated). Personal Facebook messages.
EXPLAIN: I commissioned 'Kwallie' back early February about commissioning a digital flat color commission featuring my fursona, Huttser Coyote, in a scene from How To Train Your Dragon. Kwallie was eager to accept the commission, and $20 was sent to her Paypal and received on February 16, 2012. Upon payment, I asked her to have it done within the following week (week of Feb. 16-23). After the note had been sent on FA, I received no further word from her, both on FA and DA. No notes were opened on either site. Since she provided her real name, I found her Facebook and politely asked for updates on my commission, since there was no communication on either site, and her Facebook is active (see updated Facebook). To this date, I have received no communication from her at all, and she continues to update her Facebook status and page frequently.
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