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  • Beware: AMWULF

    • Who: AMWULF
      Where: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/amwulf/
      When: 11/23/2012
      What: Commission




    My experience with AMWULF:

    A lack of communication on several commissions and zero updates on said pieces. Worst of all, even the artist forgetting I had commissioned them altogether. Most details about the commission agreements were exchanged verbally and in-person because this artist was living with us as a roommate. However, I do have screenshots of the monetary transactions that took place, detailed emails sent to the artist showing the date, and notes from other third-parties that had paid AMWULF to join me in group-commissions.

    I recently contacted AMWULF on September 16, 2014 to request a full refund on all pieces owed. I received a series of angry text messages and excuses as well as no concrete dates or payment plans except, and I quote, "will pay it back in chunks”. Overall, his behavior can be summed up as unprofessional, condescending, and immature.

    The following is a sample of screenshots showing my unfortunate interactions with AMWULF, starting with a typical text conversation, filled with his usual unprofessional, vulgar attitude:


    WHO: He goes by the name AMWULF on Fur Affinity


    WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/amwulf/


    WHAT: The commission that is the longest overdue was that of a Your-Character-Here featuring my horse character with the bid-winner’s character, which belonged to Maho-Gato (http://www.furaffinity.net/user/maho-gato). The total cost, split between Maho-Gato and myself, was to be fully paid to AMWULF, and I was to include a full backstory for the piece’s description.

    This all took place on November 23rd, 2012, when I had a verbal agreement with AMWULF. Maho-Gato was satisfied with AMWULF being the artist, but expressed he was very upset over AMWULF'S lack of communication and excuses. I can personally verify AMWULF expressed agitation with Maho's concerns even months after the initial auction closed and funds had been sent to AMWULF's Paypal.

    Here are the screenshots of me contacting Maho with AMWULF agreeing to taking on our commission:


    Maho and I eventually requested a refund from AMWULF, which has still not been granted, nor has AMWULF given a time frame for when we can expect to be paid back.

    On the second commission, I had requested a multi-character picture from AMWULF with a total cost of $80.00 USD, with other characters being added at no additional cost. Due to the length of time that has passed, I cannot pull up the bank or transaction record. However, I do have the date I sent AMWULF the details being May 1st 2013. This piece has not been done and I have received no sketch or updates from him whatsoever.

    Here is the email and date for verification:


    On the third commission, I ordered a two character piece by AMWULF of my Husband's fursona and myself totaling $120.00 USD. I was told verbally that, due to bills, AMWULF needed emergency commissions and said he would finish the piece that same day. This was supposed to be a surprise picture for my Husbands new character. All I saw was an unfinished sketch and that was nearly six months ago.

    Here is the paypal transaction verification image:


    And here is the detailed email description I sent him on January 21st 2014:


    WHEN: The first piece was started on November 23rd 2012. Signs of trouble appeared several months after when Maho approached me several times regarding the piece.
    The second piece was started on May 1st, 2014. Signs of trouble again several months later. Multiple assurances the piece would be done with no progress.
    The third piece was started on January 21st 2014. Signs of trouble began a week later at no mention or update of art in question.


    PROOF: Various screenshots listed above.


    EXPLAIN: AMWULF avoids any talk of art that is owed by him. It creates an air of hostility due to his immense backlog spanning over two years and multiple group and single pieces owed in the hundreds and thousands of dollars to multiple furs who have waited patiently throughout these lengths of time for a product that has yet to manifest itself.

    I have come to the conclusion that I will not see any art or even a refund in a timely manner. AM's lack of professionalism in dealing with people he owes art, including even personal friends, is unprofessional and the excuses he gives when dealing with other people’s money is poor and unsatisfactory.

    I would advise any person seeking art by an artist to look elsewhere lest they find themselves in a similar situation.

    [From the Comments]

    valmirdraftstud [OP]
    Jan. 21st, 2015 08:17 pm (UTC)
    Regarding Refunds
    Here is the status and history of refunds Amwulf has paid. The amount totals 500 USD which is the total amount owed. The total time for repayment took over 4 months.

    Oct 15th Amwulf repaid 250 USD.

    Nov 24 Amwulf repaid 100 USD.

    Jan 21 Amwulf repaid a final payment of 150 USD

    AB posted September 20th 2014. So it took a total of 5 months and 1 day from this AB's posting to receive a full and complete repayment.

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