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  1. Explanation and issue: Merciful was to exchange one character named Yeshua in exchange for 3,000$ USD. It was agreed upon a payment plan of 400$ a month then changed (by myself) to 200$ every 2 weeks. Once the character was paid off there was a substantial delay in transferring the character with multiple excuses. The character was still actively up for sale during this time and a user had inquired about their sale, which Merciful then attempted to resell to them. A ToyHou.se admin then had to transfer the character over to me (with proof of purchase). They were informed that they could appeal the transfer with substantial proof that the character was not resold, or a chargeback was filed. Merciful then remade the character and asked the original creator of the design to add their creator credits to the profile. I was informed of the the recreation and put in a ticket to have the character removed. It was removed by a TH admin. Merciful has claimed she has been hacked and never actually resold the character. She stated it was sold by her ex's fiancé as an act of revenge. However the correspondences between her and another user don't seem to match this claim. There are substantial conflicting details between what I was told and what another user was told. this information is private and has been provided to the AB staff. Agreement: The original agreement was made over furaffinity (Littlychibiteddybear). I had commented and then PMed her. She wished to take the conversation to Discord for ease of contact (sinned_raven). Proof of payment: *Please note there are cancelations of an invoice; noted by the strikethrough of 1800, and 200 on may 8th and may 3rd respectively. These were not paid by me as they were canceled prior to payment. They were meant to be payoff points on my part, and I had to push payment back. (See below reference) Our interaction relating to payment delays. Start of the issue: -My confirmation to her that payment was complete and her confirmation that she received it and would send Yeshua over when she could. -A delay in transferring the character to me. I had asked a few times, of which she had said she was busy and could not transfer the character. -My reaching out to the user that she attempted to resell the character to -My exchanges with a TH admin forcing the transfer -The creator of the character reaching out to me about the recreation of the character -My exchange with the TH admin about the removal of the recreated character. Other relevant correspondence: -Our discord conversations over the length of the transaction. This detailed various instances in which she would send me invoices to pay and idle conversation (redacted). -A confirmation that LittleChibiTeddyBear is her alt sales account Our current conversation regarding the issues, and her claiming she was hacked. For transparency. I opened disputes with paypal. I am no longer comfortable owning this character and I will be returning it. I am unable to tell if she was actually hacked and her claims are true. It's weird to me how she just switches from not being okay with it to being okay with it after I threaten disputes and legal action. It's always weird to me that she's being allowed to use her "hackers" paypal and is in constant contact with her. I can't keep my personal opinions out of that matter. I consider this character "stolen goods" and I will not keep her and do not consider her to be owned by myself as it is illegal to own stolen goods. Final update and outcome: I received a full refund of every transaction listed for a total of 3,000$. As the case as a whole was multiple transactions and they were all refunded under an umbrella "case". The character was returned to Merciful.
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