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Original agreement: I paid 60$ in cash for a digitally illustrated badge that will be laminated and shipped to me after the con (AC24). Proof of payment: It was paid in cash at the time of commission (first day of the con within 20 minutes of them the artist alley opening.) What happened: The art was to be completed within 1-2 weeks, it was completed in 4 weeks (august 2nd, full res provided on trello on august 5th), no complaints there. On the same day of completion, they asked for my address which I provided. Since August 12th, I have had no contact from them on telegram, which was the only social media i was provided at time of purchase. on their trello, they say they ship Friday's, being that mine was completed on a Friday, I figured I'd wait a week. and another week. and another. I never received any update, so I texted on September 2nd. (this jumps ahead showing future messages, but basically them asking my address was the last message I received personally from them.) Through digging around, I found a twitter which they were active on, but I don't have a twitter account. I asked if my SO could contact them as they have a twitter, and he was successful in contacting them on September 19th on my behalf. The reason they claim for not shipping my supposedly printed badge is that they moved and have yet to find a place to laminate my badge. My SO tried to follow up weeks later but further communication was unsuccessful. After more digging I found their email in their trello, and again, had my SO contact them on my behalf (they check their email more than I do). Yet again, unsuccessful. October, November, December, January... no response. On any platform. I have yet to have my badge shipped or a partial refund or anything. (I no longer need the full-res as it was posted on their trello.)
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