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  1. I’ve asked Seiruii, for a commission that I never received from a year ago. I went to a Anime con, they were super busy but my friend’s back was hurting her so I had to leave. They finished my commission and promised to send it...I gave them my address so I can get my commission and...flash forward a year later tada! I got nothing...FREAKING NOTHING! They were busy with work but I didn’t receive my commission. I gave them my hardworking cash from my job that I got had to quit from. they only texted back three times. They claimed that it was sent and also said that they will look in their room and do another one but I haven’t gotten anything. I’m doing this beware because as a reminder and a anime con tip. make sure you get your commission at a anime con, if a artist says that their busy or it will be in a week. Don’t buy from them. I can’t trust Deviant Art Ych/Commissions and Artists in the artist galleries anymore. Because I got ripped off too many times in my life.
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