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  1. So, I commissioned TattooRexy for a two character NSFW piece (bits covered, but still sexual), and after showing me the sketch they proceeded to stop replying. I of course kept trying, and sent a few more messages their way that they didn't even bother to look at, so I tried messaging their partner, asking them to please inform the artist that they need to get back to me; She was very friendly and told me she would get on it. I don't know if she did, but either way nothing happened. I waited a few weeks and sent them another message, asking yet AGAIN to have them inform their partner; They didn't reply. Now, a few months later, I open up a refund request through paypal, and only NOW does the artist look at my messages (on FA, when you look at a note it goes from yellow to black, indicating that it has been received and read), but still haven't replied, neither on FA nor paypal. TattooRexy does state in their TOS that a commissioner can get a refund at anytime, but will ALWAYS be blacklisted afterwards, I now see why they do this, and it is such a dick move. By doing this, most people who would get upset and request a refund, will simply just accept the total unprofessional nature of this artist and wait the months, or years, it'd take for them to reply, or let alone finish the piece.
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