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Record Comments posted by AlitaBerserker

  1. On 7/10/2019 at 6:00 PM, Alkraas said:

    Sorry that happened to you. I'd advise to either take full upfront, 50% upfront - 50% after or payment after a sketch. Doing payment after the art is basically finished leads to many risks such as these.

    Technically speaking, the 50%-50% clause was already in our ToS, we actually just tried to show some kindness and flexibility... Needless to say, we won't be doing any more good will gestures besides cold and professional business practice anymore.

  2. On 7/10/2019 at 6:04 AM, theodor said:

    I refuse to work with multiple people for this very reason.

    But as a heads up, you cannot charge your customers paypal fees, even if its for split payments. It's against paypals TOS.

    I've been working with multiple customers for some time now (even now I'm doing a project for multiple people) and I had never encountered such issues before, so I had no frame of reference. Now we updated the ToS to prevent such occurrences from repeating.

    Oh and thanks for the heads up about PayPal, we'd missed that part. Turns out we would've been fine anyways, since it wasn't really a surcharge for using PayPal but rather a handling fee for processing four transactions instead of one. Still, thank you for pointing that out, we've made our ToS more clear thanks to that

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