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  1. I'd like to confirm that the artist has now in-fact sent over the refund. The following image provided proof that they have. This Artist Beware report can be closed/resolved if the Moderation team feels like this is a acceptable time to do so. Thank you to those in the Mod team who worked with me on all this. Thanks to you the artist reached out to me and I got the money I had sent them back. I appreciate your help.
  2. Understood then. I will let the artist know to look at this report again so they are aware of that.
  3. The artist has agreed to refund the amount of $74.42 once they get paid this coming Friday. As a form of compromise, I agreed to ask that this report be removed once they do. Once I confirm that the artist has sent the refund over, I will follow up with a staff member here and ask that they remove this report. Unless the staff wish to keep the report up for record keeping, that's what I ask of them. The following images are to document this resolution of this agreement of a outcome.
  4. Paid for a Commission to Olivedrake for a Two character (Recipient's sona and my own) color digital commission. Poses and setting were left up to the artist to choose. Payment also included cost to cover a package to be sent, however artist only used $15 of the provided $50. Agreed amount was decided and payment was sent on February 21st. Artist works two jobs and I was aware of that, and was understanding of that. Paypal payment shown below. I continued to ask about the commission (as well as the package) off and on during the following months, since the artist is bad at proactively keeping her clients up to date on what is going on. May 28th, 2019: Package was sent at a cost of $15.58. Less then half the $50 originally sent. May 30th, 2019: She had sent the package I asked her about it as well as the commission and she said she was going to use what was left from the package to send another one later on. She also stated that it would "take her a little longer to work on art", however she did not say if this meant she had started the commission or not. Simply that it takes her a little longer to work on art. No Work in Progresses or sketches had been sent to me at this point, nor had visual updates been provided from her. As she continued to say "I've been busy with work and haven't been able to work on it yet" until this point. Something I was not privy to prior to paying for the commission was that she has a health condition that becomes inflamed due to pushing herself too far in Art College. June 6th, 2019: Went to message her and ask how she was doing, and found out she had blocked and removed me on Telegram, Discord and had blocked my phone number on her phone. There was no indication of a problem from her and no issues with hearing back from her nor getting a hold of her until this point. Here is the Telegram Chat. She also cleared the entire Telegram chat history, thus preventing me from getting any documentation from program. I have no way of getting my money back as of now. Paypal was unable to help (due to the artist asking that I use personal payment to pay for the costs) and Paypal instructed me to go to my bank. My bank was also unable to assist me because they can no longer help their customers with a dispute after 60 days. I hope this Beware will help others avoid losing money to this artist like I did. Please do not support or buy from this artist, unless you wish to risk throwing your income down the drain. Don't make the same mistake I did.
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