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  1. Back in March 2016 i commissoned Mitha for a full digitigrade lynx fursuit. I paid 50% upfront, 1250$ with paypal. Suit should be finished january 2017. I never wanted to post a beware like this and it took me about an year to make this decision but i don't want to waste more time on this person. I have always been polite, tried to be patient and helpfull to resolve this issue as you will see but i got nothing but worries, anger and lies! Mitha please just sent this money back i want to be done with this and you finally, get back to me again and stop running away from your mistakes! FA note about claiming the slot Payment poof I contacted her several times but didn’t get real updates for my suit, sadly i’m not able to provide the full conversations since this ist he only chat that is completly gone but i made a few screenshots at the time i got the messages because i was really excited about getting a fursuit. I asked about the timeframe to get my suit before and i sent secondlife screenshoots of the character design, i think,we talked from time to time but nothing related to my suit i asked about her jaw sculpting and showed her a suithead i build meanwhile. Before my paypal protection ended she messaged me to send my DTD including shoes i should buy for the feetpaws. I did and was waiting again until she noted me that she got my DTD, that it was well made and my body would be the next she is working on. A couple of weeks later she contacted me on FA, because of the pawpads and nose color of my suit, she said skype is not working, could have been around my birthday within the first 2 weeks of november because i had been on holiday at this time. After this i tried again to get in touch with her on skype but i got no reply. We decided to keep in touch in telegram from now. I asked about any updates, she told me she is sorry that she is slow with this an that she is behind, my suit would be finished 2-3 month later. I was ok with that at this time, early december 2016. Since she was answering i didn't worry about getting nothing... I asked again for updates in febuary 2017 without a reply, in march i asked again because she posted some stuff on Twitter, i might have gotten wrong, but i still didn‘t get any info about my suit. I started to get afraid to get nothing from her since she didn't reply and was posting this on twitter. After she told me pretty rough that i should contact her on twitter i noted in the end of april because she didn’t got back to me. Got no reply so i tried again in may with what i am thinking about all this and got a reply a couple of days later. She told me about the situation and agreed to a full refund on 04.05.217. This wasn't an easy thing to me i really liked her stuff and i don't wanted to get her in trouble i offerd a payment plan even. I was waiting abou 2 month without any contact, refund or info about the timeframe of the paymentplan i contacted her again first time without a reply, about a week later she answered. Her excuse was the gender thing on twitter she did. And there was no refund but silence again, i contacted her several time before i got a reply. I suggested a paymentplan again with rates and dates... Since she wasn't pretty activ on twitter during this time i asked her where to find her now. I was sending my bankstuff to her emailadress and several emails where i asked her about the refund but i didn't get a reply so i started to get back on her on twitter. Sadly i can't provide screenshots of this emails they are gone out of the sent objects because its too long ago ? For sure i didn't get emails on the other email adress too because she never send them ? She got back to me with excuses she had to make and save this money first, wait who was stating on twitter that is is always easy to refund 2k? Mitha! There was silence after this for 3 weeks, then she got back to me with blablabla excuses and of course she lost our whole conversation and memory about what happened before... Of course she wasn't able to show me a thing but wanted to send a refund again, but suprise she didn't and suddelny the paypal option was gone too. At this point i opened up a etsy shop with an offer for her to buyout to refund me but she ignored this option and me, i sent another message 5 days later and provided the info again but nothing happened. Weeks later she noted me she is able to do the banktransfer now and offerd a free mask to me but guess what, i got nothing xD She got back to me again with excuses, i offerd the esty thing again and got ignored, then i asked for the otter partial instead of money but it was gone. a few weeks later she announced that she is closing up her shop and that there will be no more premades. I worried about our agreement to choose one of the upcoming premades because she said she won't do premades anymore and asked her about. I explained why i wanted the partial instead of money and that i take money when there are no more partials available and she agreed again and wanted to get back to me when she is able to afford the refund. She really got back to me but again i got nothing ? After this i haven't heard from her until i commented below her actual IG posts where she was trying to sell a fullsuit and a head, she blocked me after our conversation in IG and i'm still waiting for my refund.
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