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Record Comments posted by WanNya

  1. 4 hours ago, theodor said:

    So she sent the refund without even confirming you're email, and it wasnt yours? Did you end up actually getting the refund in hand?

    Yeah; ended up having to note them again (which I wish I could have avoided cause it just made me more irritated). 
    At least it's settled now and i can go back to life again without that headache =  .=;

  2. 2 hours ago, Mortymaxwell said:

    I hope she will come back and do the right thing.  But I'm very doubtful.  She has a history of being rude to people and for someone who doesn't want to be dealing with stressful situations at the moment, she sure likes to spend a lot of energy focusing on negativity. All those hours she's putting towards seeing who is associated with OP could have gone towards resolving this debacle.

    I'm sorry to hear she's going through a lot right now. Blocking someone who has been polite and wants a refund is inexcusable. If she has such severe health problems, she really should have just canceled and returned the money.

    Her Twitter's got posts about how she wants to work for art directors and do  professional illustration work.  She really needs to shape up and drop the attitude.  No art director's gonna want to put up with her behavior.

    We can only hope so. It's quite sad too since they were an artist I would have loved to look up to, but guess it's best I see their true colors now rather than later on down the road where the betrayal would be too painful to bear.

    This whole situation could have been dealt with way back and as you stated. She could have just  told me the truth and canceled the project. I would not have mind waiting to reschedule again at a later time! Instead they kept giving unrelated excuses and empty promises (oh and lets not forget the permaband they placed on me lol). I really hope that, for the sake of other peoples sanities, future customers of hers don't have to go through such a horrible  experience.

    Ah, I wouldn't really know the going ons there since I'm 'banned' from ever viewing their works, that is most definitely not something you'd want to bring into the workforce. Especially when those types of fields involve lots of paying clients who expect projects to be done / completed on set deadlines in a timely manner. Excuses and crappy attitudes will be one of the fastest ways to see yourself out the door.  

  3. 2 hours ago, Tentacles1 said:

    Actually she posted a clarification journal just now. With alternate method of contact being e-mail. http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/9072316/

    Haha, should have said that instead of posting this:


    not "slightly leaving" but clearly states "NO LONGER ON FA, SORRY <3"
    It also still does not change the fact that they are only taking to "their clients", which I am no longer considered.

    I am not going out of my way chasing down  an artist that did me wrong ^ w^

  4. 26 minutes ago, Tentacles1 said:

    I didn't mean to imply the OP yelled at them, my bad. I meant that is what she is afraid of, poor wording on my part.

    And there is a way to contact them, that's on FA. She poorly titled her journal as leaving FA but all she is doing is no longer posting her art there.

    I just thought that I might help clear up the situation a bit more and help the OP with that. I meant no offense by it.

    That is not %100 guaranteed for even if they do decide to come back and "check up on friends art or posts journals".

    They more than likely will just ignore any future notes I send and perhaps even go ahead and block me on there too after they realize they forgot to do so before storming off.

  5. 15 minutes ago, Celestina said:

    " I will still be here to check on friends art or posts journals.. occasionally or whatever, "

    "occasionally or whatever" doesn't inspire confidence given where the OP is at now, as well as being blocked on Twitter.  The artist absolutely should have contacted the OP directly if they intended to "occasionally or whatever" drop in for the foreseeable future.  It's only good business.

    Mega yikes op.  Please let us know if you actually get your refund when they "occasionally or whatever" decide to come back and do right by you.

    Yes, and if they ever do "check... occasionally or whatever", I will be sure to keep you up to date on events.

  6. 32 minutes ago, theodor said:

    Sad that she hasnt changed at all; https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/963160.html

    She had tons of excuses for me as well, sadly this is common for her. I had a few commissions from her before mine went bad. If you paid with a credit card you may be able to charge back with the card. You likely will not see a refund. I only got mine because someone else paid it. She has a huge owed list that isnt public.

    I only wish I had seen this post well before I placed my commission in with them.

    I would have loved to do that but sadly it was with paypal; which is connected directly to my bank account and not a credit card... guess I should also switch that around for future commissions I make.
    I take it that there is no way to ever see this list unless they've given direct access to it huh?

  7. 1 hour ago, Tentacles1 said:

    As someone who has also commissioned her I can say I feel sorry about how things have turned out. However I thought I could explain some backstory information to why she blocked you. She has in fact been dealing with things far out of her control as of late, and my commission is only half done. As someone who has had family members going through what she is right now, I can confirm she isn't trying to be rude to you just lashing out.

    She does not want to deal with being yelled at right now, especially since at the time of posting that aforementioned surgery is tomorrow. She is still on FA however she will no longer be posting her art on FA. This she clarified to me when I had asked.

    Its unfortunate that you wont see the commission done, but she is in fact going through something life threatening. I am confident she will give you back your money in the end once she has it. And I do feel sorry you have to go through this on her behalf.

    It is very sad that things have turned out the way they have and I can only regret ever having bothering to commission them in the first place (should have done my homework first U _U' )

    That still is not a good business practice when dealing with customers who are paying you for something that was stated to be given within a certain time frame. For months during what little correspondence I managed to make with Yajuuu they would reply with 'you'll get your wip in a week' never at all mentioning they were having issues in the notes we exchanged.

    My issue isn't so much that she was missing due dates so much as the utter lack of communication. Had she told me herself that she was going through a rough patch I would be far more lenient; I have many friends in the art community who have or are going through terrible situations and need the reprieve of not being hounded for stuff but THEY had the courtesy of letting me know without me having to all but ghost their journals and submissions and social media for any sort of update. 

    As an artist taking money she needs to also take the responsibility that comes with it.  I did not ask her for anything unreasonable, I wasn't even the one to establish the timeframe - that was all her. We are now EIGHT MONTHS in since the initial commission so I think my feelings are well and truly justified. She sets a bad precedent for other artists with her actions because now she's possibly run off with money for work she didn't complete and has blocked me and my friends from establishing any form of dialogue. So forgive me if I am not at all sympathetic. 

  8. 17 hours ago, Mortymaxwell said:

    It was really wrong of her to block you when you asked for a refund.  I looked at her FA gallery and it is full of posts about how she has depression, her health is bad and how people are so mean to her. She seems to get way too personal with her clients.  She gets rude if someone isn't sympathetic to her medical condition and her TOS is unethical.  It states refunds only after six months.  In other words, after Paypal protection period has expired.

    Very much so for I was not being rude or harassing them whatsoever. I don't know fully what goes on in their life, for I am not the type to pry, but none of these "issues" were brought to my attention when I asked them about commissions process.

    I can only bet people would get upset with them when weeks, even months, go by and they receive no word on the status of their piece they paid for.

    I feel that was there intention all along for once the 6 month grace period is up, you cannot file a chargeback through paypal and can only hope that the artist keeps to their word and eventually return the funds.

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