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  1. After many good experiences commissioning artists on many different occasions, this was the first one I've ever had a problem with. I'm hoping this is the only time I'll have to write a Beware. On October 21st, 2018, I placed a winning bid on a YCH by Avtor_D for $35 (body horror NSFW) https://sta.sh/01u61dkoe5v6 and promptly paid. On October 26th, 2018, I decided to also place a bid on a second YCH by Avtor_D for $30 https://sta.sh/01xrf025zghp, again paying promptly. At the time, it looked like they were regularly submitting finished work to their gallery, so I didn't think It would take that long to hear back. There was no public Trello to consult for work they currently owed, either, but I didn't consider that much of a problem in the long run at the time. I gave the benefit of the doubt and decided to wait awhile. A few weeks go by with no word back and it seems alright at first. But then I see that they keep taking on more and more work after mine here: https://sta.sh/0sw3xji5zf l started to get a little wearier, as I didn't see anything being completed and there was still no public Trello to consult, as seen here https://sta.sh/01pnpvbif23b I let it fall to the wayside for awhile because of other commissions I had coming in. Fast forward a bit later where I realize the window for asking for refunds through Paypal would be closing. Again, I still have some time, so I'm not too pushy when I decide to inquire about my comms https://sta.sh/01cgh69b61na They reply to me, accusing me of harassing them on their shout page (I didn't, but since they purged their shouts before that, I do not have proof) and reassure me everything's going ok https://sta.sh/0sunyo64df2 I'm a little annoyed, but decide to let it slide until another month goes by. At this point, I'm a bit tired of dealing with this and decide to give them a mostly polite ultimatum to at least show me wips by March 15th, 2019 https://sta.sh/018v2q4cish1 They show me the sketches, and all seems fine, so I let them proceed with some lingering wariness. But otherwise I'm just happy to see wips where I was seeing nothing before. (Body horror NSFW for the first link) https://sta.sh/01ekjuiurp7z https://sta.sh/0mlpunz2l23 From there, things unfortunately fell to the wayside. I kind of checked out of the situation and would only be reminded on occasion if I saw activity from them on FA or Twitter. For awhile, there wasn't much, and things happened in my life that were demanding my attention, so I didn't have much energy to exert on resolving the issue. I probably should have, which is 100% on me. Recently, though, I see they have finally released a link to their public Trello and released some news on the situation, including explaining their taking on of more YCH's recently without finishing previous ones. My comms are still in the sketch stage, and I've kind of lost hope at this point even if I were to contact them further. Since the refund window has closed and I do have sketches, and it is very stressful to talk to this person for me, I am more concerned with them keeping up this kind of business with other commissioners than my own stuff.
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