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Record Comments posted by Tygre13

  1. Spelling correction for my previous comment:

    "..I'm content in seeing that both accounts (BrokenVocaloid & Cielkuro** on FA) are currently suspended.."

    I have no idea what my fingers decided to do there. I don't see a way to edit a previous comment (not sure if there IS a way), but I didn't want to leave that spelling error to possibly confuse others.

  2. I guess I'll be making one final comment on this particular Beware thread.

    I've been asking the artist (BrokenVocaloid, Cielkuro, whatever other names they might have) to refund the money I paid since before I made this beware. Every time I asked about it, the same excuse was always given; "I'll send the money this Thursday, I promise!" The last reply I have received from them was on March 21 2021. Since then, they have completely ignored me and have not responded to any further messages I have sent as well as their 'managers' or who/whatever they are (SebastianMorgenstern & Sakoda, both on FA). At this point, I've accepted that I won't ever get my money back no matter how many times I demand it. But at least at this very moment, I'm content in seeing that both accounts (BrokenVocaloid & Civeelkuro on FA) are currently suspended, hopefully for a long time. If not soon outright banned. To me, at this point, that would be worth far more than actually getting my money back. Sure, that's a pretty vindictive and spiteful way to look at it, but I know for a fact that I'm not the only one that feels that way.

    So yeah, this Beware is definitely NOT closed or resolved. I'm not admitting defeat; I'm simple resigned to the fact that I won't win.. Unless they get banned. I'll count that as a big win.

  3. Yeah, I wouldn't count on ever seeing your money again. There's a number of bewares for that artist on here, one of which is mine for several pieces that I bought back in January/February 2020. I've been getting the same message ("I'll send the money this Thursday, I promise") dozens of times at this point since September and recently they've starting ignoring my notes completely (not even opening/reading them). You aren't alone in your frustration.

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