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Yearbook Quote

When it is dark enough, you can see the stars.

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Newbie (1/3)



  1. 1) I usually work on A4 by default unless otherwise mention and at 300 dpi for the final work! 2) Am still working on this one, but complex characters refer to stuff like very detailed armor, a lot of loose parts, etc. For your latter part of the question, you are right. Currently I am in the process of revamping the sheet to include other style like Chibi, so clients can have more choices.
  2. Hello there! I usually tell my clients that they can expect the delivery in two to three weeks. I try to give myself a more generous deadline because real life things can occur at any time, and they are okay with that timeframe. During that period i'll make it a habit to DM the client with regular WIP screenshots, as well.
  3. Thanks for your feedback, Celestina!
  4. Oh, I forgot to add, those that wish to see more samples of my work can do so here : https://www.artstation.com/artofhoshino/albums/787774
  5. Hello, fellow artists and commissioners! I'd like to start a discussion about commission pricing and my history of working with clients. So basically I started taking commission work around 2016, after being encouraged, and I recall my first commissions were several environment artworks priced at USD50 each. As time went on and I improved, I decided to raise my prices in order to reflect those changes. From 2017-18, I've received and completed around 20 commissions, all of them via Discord, and they have paid in full each time (I go by a 50-50 system, half delivery once details are confirmed, and remainder upon completion of work.) May not be much, but that is because I was very busy with college and as such, I can only open commissions in certain periods. Attached in this post is my current commission sheet as of Dec 2018, although it can vary depending on amount of details (and I do tell this to my client), and I would like to seek feedback from you guys. Most of the commissions that have followed through were fine with my rates, though some wanted to commission but felt they were on the steep side. Thank you very much.
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