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  1. Back in July, I ordered a sketchy custom for $75 (USD) from g.hosting (not realizing the username would be very apt!) Here's the link to the auction: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/37221256/. I've attached a screenshot showing my initial win as well as the paypal transaction. Unfortunately, I nuked all of my Furaffinity notes, but Ghosting and I went to Discord for awhile. I have some screencaps of that. The "we" I'm referring to is my now-deceased fiance. As I understand that art can take time to complete and the year has been completely insane, I decided to be patient. Not to mention I had to deal with my fiance's passing in August. You can see in the screenshots that months went by. In the meantime, Ghosting was semi-active on their FA and more active on their Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sinscitys/. On November 6, I expressed concern for Ghosting's health as well as how long the commission was taking. I've been ripped off for almost $300 this year, and between Ghosting's active posting and lack of progress, I was afraid that I was dealing with yet another "push things past the dispute window and then disappear forever" artist. It became one of those awful situations where you don't want to yank money out of someone's pocket, but you also can't be a doormat. You'll also notice that Ghosting offered me a refund, which I preferred, but suddenly they weren't able to provide one. Now knowing that Ghosting was more active on Insta and FA, I sent messages to each, which went unread for two days. At this point, I was fed up. I opened a dispute and escalated it. You can see in the Paypal screenshot that there was an active dispute associated with that transaction. A few hours later, I received this: https://sta.sh/02dmz8wjlaf5 And responses to my FA note and IG message. The FA note was just to let me know the IG note was responded to, so I am only including the IG screenshot. The custom's quality is lower than many of Ghosting's other designs. But after some consideration, I decided I did like what I received for the most part and closed the dispute. Juice just needs sprucing up and a clearer ref sheet. Ghosting has offered to draw a little extra art as an apology, but based on my experience overall, I'll consider any extras like a scratch ticket win. In summary? Ghosting's designs have a definite charm to them. They are generally colorful and lively. If you like them and can get your hands on a premade, I wholly suggest it! Ghosting as a person seems to be very friendly. But until this artist can communicate and work more effectively, I would hesitate to commission them.
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