An artist on a social media site I use expressed interest in someone designing them an icon and I offered my services, and he accepted and paid, and I designed him his icon, regularly showing him progress and communicating with him on Telegram. Given that he was astounded at my work, he told me he was seriously considering sending me more money (I had only charged him US$20 since I'm not a "professional"). When it was done, he approved it, and then I asked him if it was okay to post it publicly, only to get no response whatsoever, and he posted it publicly on said social media site. I repeatedly attempted communication with him there, noting that he was linking to the wrong username on the site, and even sent private messages every time he made a new post on the site (which was about once a week to every few days), only to get no response at all despite apparently having time to make other posts. I could easily make a drinking game of being ghosted like this (albeit on non-commission things in cyber communication), and it really distresses me. How should I deal with this? Is he bewareable?