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Everything posted by PledgeGallant

  1. On March 4, 2023, I contacted Etsy Shop PlushiesNextDoor for a custom made plushie of a character of mine. By Pledge, March 4th 2023 They acknowledged and said they were open to commissions and payment. By Keo/PlushiesNextDoor, March 4th 2023 I made the payment with them through Etsy via Klarna. I made the payment the same day, March 4th, 2023. I was initially told it would be within a certain timeframe— 12-16 weeks. By Pledge and Keo/PlushiesNextDoor, March 4th On May 9th they contacted me again to let me know that they’re behind on orders and that it wouldn’t be until September that my plushie would get shipped. I was understanding and asked if they could post their work on their TikTok, PlushiesNextDoor. By Pledge and Keo/PlushiesNextDoor, May 9th, 2023 I reached out again in September to ask what the process has been. They offered me a refund but I said I was still willing to wait. By Pledge and Keo/PlushiesNextDoor, September 6th 2023 I received a message from them again in October 7th notifying me and others that they’re very behind on orders and that their suspected completion date was going to be by the end of the year. They attached a document with all of the orders they were currently working on to show where we were in the queue. IMG_8052.MOV By Keo/PlushiesNextDoor, October 7th, 2023 On October 29th, they contacted me stating that they were shutting down their shop and that they would provide everyone refunds. By Keo/PlushiesNextDoor, October 29th, 2023 I asked if I could wait a little longer, and they told me that they would keep me on their list. by Pledge and Keo/PlushiesNextDoor, October 29th, 2023 Their last reply to me was December 7th, after I reached out to make sure they were doing well. On March 23rd of 2024, I noticed their plushie accounts on Instagram and Etsy were deleted or shut down. IMG_8104.MOV I emailed them twice. Once in April, and the second time in May. Taken by Pledge, April 12th, 2024 and May 10th, 2024. While they’ve seemingly deleted their other accounts, they’ve kept up their Tiktok associated with their plushie making. However, they are not active on it. They changed their username from PlushiesNextDoor to YesItsKeo. Unfortunately I’m aware that due to the amount of time that had passed that I won’t get my money back. Please be careful of this creator.
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