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Record Comments posted by James

  1. A comment was not approved.  We do not condone people mass spamming users concerning a bewaree as this is harassment.

    In addition, the comments should also follow the Submission Guidelines concerning third party/ proxy.  You may only come and speak about your own transaction.  We do not condone witch hunting or brigading.

    If individuals want to help they can forward victims to make a beware on the site.  While we don't mind comments, individual comments do not add to a bewaree's tag weight.  Tag weight determines how high someone shows up on our tag cloud.

  2. 1 hour ago, enbii said:

    I'm not sure how it works on FA, but have you tried filing a DMCA takedown? They quite literally stole your art...

    OP isn't following this thread, so I'm not sure if they will see this. However we did notice the art is gone from the client's gallery. Not sure if OP got it taken down or the base owner as the client wasn't supposed to give the base to others to fill out.

  3. Well, this looks like it's becoming a pattern for this client to behave this way.  For what it's worth, I see little difference between the reference images and what you actually produced.  They also skipped out on paying another person who posted here, so it sounds like they're making a habit of finding excuses not to pay.

  4. 1 hour ago, AngelEars said:

    I can only hope this user reports them to PayPal then, since it seems that they are hellbent on keeping this policy. I kindly commented on an auction they have running, reminding them that making the buyer cover the fee isn't allowed and can get their account closed and the hid the comment and blocked me, so... :^)

    Taking things from here to there is still forbidden despite us being off of LJ. I do not want us to garner a poor reputation by allowing members to touch the poop.

    My net is spotty so let's see if this posts

  5. Many of us who operate shops have experienced lost, damaged, and delayed packages due to COVID.  However, for so many packages to go completely lost?  Yea, my money is on the item simply never being shipped.  This is utterly ridiculous.

    It's a long shot, but you and everyone affected, can contact Paypal about it.  Many years ago when Pirate-Cashoo had her issues some of her clients managed to get refunds from Paypal long after the window closed.  But it was only because so many people had contacted Paypal concerning her.  (And to be fair to her since I'm name dropping her, Pirate-Cashoo has made good on her owed list since)

  6. 1 minute ago, AngelEars said:

    It's also against PayPals TOS to make the buyer cover the fee. Isnt that something that can cause their account to be shut down should anyone report it to PayPal?

    It most certainly is.  Plus any funds in your account are seized.  Paypal isn't a bank, so they don't have to make it easy for you to reclaim your funds either.

  7. A comment was not posted because it is in violation of Rule 5.


    5.  Do not imply a beware does not belong here or that the submitter should delete it.

    Any further comments of this nature on this post will be automatically hidden.  We're very sorry for Psy101's loss.  However, OP has not violated any part of our rules and thus their post will stay online.  Being unfortunately timed does not invalidate a 2 year wait.  A post going online now doesn't mean Psy101 has to address it now.

  8. 47 minutes ago, Romanticponydream said:

    I am unsure how to update the original beware but I feel this is something that also should be shown.

    It seems Mike (I called them cubert because I did not know their name) has found the beware and basically left out their response as made me look like a terrible person. They are also allowing their followers to call me names and left out that they did not disclose their queue or have any public place where I could have looked. I had no idea their queue was that long and if I did I would have not commissioned them.

    Over all I am feeling awful....as someone who also suffers from mental health issues I was hoping for some understanding and patience. But now I am worried I will be harassed. I feel silly being upset. But I simply cant help it.


    Users do not have the ability to edit their own posts.  However, we will not be tacking this onto the main post as you are not named, and the artist is welcome to vent in their own space.

    With that said, if the artist escalates by dropping your name publicly and instructing people to harass you this will automatically be upgraded to a beware.

    For the artist:  You admit your queue is long, and your client claims there is no public queue.  Rather than being angry with them for you dropping the ball, please make a public queue so potential clients can decide if they want to risk a long wait.  70 commissions is a ridiculous amount of work, and it's unethical to be upset when clients aren't willing to wait for you to move through so many commissions.  Come on now.

  9. Welcome to Artists Beware! 

    All posts have been reviewed prior to being allowed in.

    Comments are moderated:  Please review the Commenting Rules.  Comments that don't meet our rules will not be posted.

    If your post is resolved:  Contact one (1) member of staff or leave a comment, and we'll update your post!

    If you are the bewaree:  Review "I've been posted to Artists Beware, now what?".

    If a beware needs a tag update:  Post a comment!

    To contact a member of staff:  See the Staff page or fill out the Contact Us form.

    Posts are not deleted unless you can prove they are fabricated.  If this is the case contact one (1) admin, and we will help you asap.

  10. Welcome to Artists Beware! 

    All posts have been reviewed prior to being allowed in.

    Comments are moderated:  Please review the Commenting Rules.  Comments that don't meet our rules will not be posted.

    If your post is resolved:  Contact one (1) member of staff or leave a comment, and we'll update your post!

    If you are the bewaree:  Review "I've been posted to Artists Beware, now what?".

    If a beware needs a tag update:  Post a comment!

    To contact a member of staff:  See the Staff page or fill out the Contact Us form.

    Posts are not deleted unless you can prove they are fabricated.  If this is the case contact one (1) admin, and we will help you asap.

  11. 13 hours ago, Sarahcat said:

    How would I post proof for Telegram? With email there is no response (Gmail only lets you know if the address isn't a real address), but with Telegram the @ he used does not show in search or in my sidebar for conversations. I discovered you can snake your way out when I made a police report a year ago on someone else and the person had deleted the conversation and blocked me, making it appear like nothing had happened. 

    Proof of all of your notifications that you lost ( 😞 )

    and any emails that you sent that just weren't answered to.

  12. Welcome to Artists Beware! 

    All posts have been reviewed prior to being allowed in.

    Comments are moderated:  Please review the Commenting Rules.  Comments that don't meet our rules will not be posted.

    If your post is resolved:  Contact one (1) member of staff or leave a comment, and we'll update your post!

    If you are the bewaree:  Review "I've been posted to Artists Beware, now what?".

    If a beware needs a tag update:  Post a comment!

    To contact a member of staff:  See the Staff page or fill out the Contact Us form.

    Posts are not deleted unless you can prove they are fabricated.  If this is the case contact one (1) admin, and we will help you asap.

  13. Welcome to Artists Beware! 

    All posts have been reviewed prior to being allowed in.

    Comments are moderated:  Please review the Commenting Rules.  Comments that don't meet our rules will not be posted.

    If your post is resolved:  Contact one (1) member of staff or leave a comment, and we'll update your post!

    If you are the bewaree:  Review "I've been posted to Artists Beware, now what?".

    If a beware needs a tag update:  Post a comment!

    To contact a member of staff:  See the Staff page or fill out the Contact Us form.

    Posts are not deleted unless you can prove they are fabricated.  If this is the case contact one (1) admin, and we will help you asap.

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