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Record Comments posted by James

  1. This one is odd.  The foreground/ background on this piece is really lovely, but it's so wildly different than what they normally make.  Almost all of the art on their twitter is your standard porn, while this one is more atmospheric. With such a drastic difference they really should have shown you a thumbnail or a sketch before jumping all the way into lines.

    Though I do want to say that this is a submission where I would really like to hear the artist's side.  It seems from their Twitter that some pretty ugly things were said from you that you claim to not have when you submitted.  While your submission didn't tick enough boxes to ultimately reject it, this gives me concern as to how much precisely was lost.

    Should the artist have taken cues from you that you weren't happy with this commission?  Yes.  Should they have provided wips before lining?  Yes.  Should you have stood up and said how unhappy you were instead of waffling around the issue?  Yes.  Should you have gone to a separate chat to complain about the art instead of directly talking to the artist?  Absolutely not.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Milesy said:

     I don't understand the post blocking thing either, but I also have no idea how Facebook actually works.

    It's essentially like a temp ban.  I won't comment on what that means about them as a business as facebook can post block for a variety of reasons. Not all of them are legitimate. 

  3. We were discussing this post in the mod chat and were all dismayed that this seller seems to think it's on you to ask about allergens.  It's the responsibility of the seller to do so.  Honestly, I hope you get a favorable resolution.  Someone like me would be SOL, because the mere presence of smoke smell aggravates my allergies.

  4. 16 minutes ago, Disreputable said:

    There’s an update! I alerted the artist that I did make a beware and that I would resolve this when I received the final art. I have screenshots of all the way to my latest reply. I did originally say that it would be deleted, but I quickly noticed that I’m unable to and changed it to “resolve.” I did add this in another message. They didn’t reply to this, so I asked for my money back. To that point, I received nothing. I said I would not resolve it until I actually received the final piece  31E169B7-3C72-43E1-A1E7-4FC08653321B.thumb.jpeg.64ecb95c4aa6eb4a29c61602e371df03.jpeg

    and finally I received my first WIPS



    they followed it up with this message as well. I won’t say any interpretations as I don’t want to upset the artist.


    I thought this was very mature and stated this. At this point I did use the term resolve as well. 

    I tried to come off as understanding of the situation, and today I received these messages. They had just noticed I said I made a beware. This resulted in more messages. 


    I made it clear on my main post that even the original art would not change my opinions about the situation. I made my thoughts clear in that^ last message, saying that I cannot just get rid of this like I wasn’t treated poorly. The term “resolved” has a meaning. 

    I did feel bad as they did add extra art (found below). I  was just able to get access to my images. All credit to artsyposy of course:

    and here are the sketches included with the art for the amount of time I had to wait:



    Make of this what you will. I got my art and that’s why I originally made my main post. This is resolved as an art transaction, and I may do another update if they have anything important to add. 

    As notated in the automod post: bewares are not deleted. To delete one after resolution would defeat the purpose of the archive. As such, the ability to edit or delete is removed from everyone but moderation staff.

    Am I reading this correctly that she's holding resolution hostage for deletion? Or was this extra, unpaid work? 

    Edit: oh never mind. Serves me right for skimming. I'll mark your post as resolved. 

  5. I hope you get your money back.

    Though the partner is right: they aren't their partner's keeper.  My husband knows I do comms, but he wouldn't know anything either about what I take on or what projects I'm doing long term.  People harassing Cou's partner aren't helping, and he's likely as powerless as everyone else is.  

  6. 23 minutes ago, ritualnoise said:

    I'm really confused by this and second the wondering if some of the conversation is missing. What really boggles my mind is reading the post, you state you got a M/F commission, but the screenshot clearly shows a M/M scene. And there's nothing in the screenshots to show you clarified both this change with the artist or specifically requested it only be M/F, but instead only clarify something plainly stated in the auction description. While I understand how upsetting this is, I would HIGHLY suggest that something so important be stated up front in any situation like this, just as you would for key details (markings, jewelry, etc) that you would not want left off the character from the get-go. Should the artist have clarified? Yes. But you should have also made an effort to make it known to the artist that despite bidding on a M/M ych, you did not want any version of that, especially given the other position was also up for auction and the other participant may feel equally as uncomfortable with the scene being changed from M/M to M/F. All parties involved should have communicated better.

    The auction details state "2 char any gender"

  7. This is weird as heck.  If it were a mistake, I could understand.  But they don't even say they're sorry, and seem to defend the choice?  Why even make more work for yourself?  It just strikes too close to "it'd be better if this was gay" which I used to get all the time if I made art of my spouse and me.

    I'd be just as upset as you are, and wouldn't grovel to have a bastardized version of my character not posted online.  Not sure why you would even want it with you, though.

    Anyway, a caution well warranted.  I wouldn't touch anyone who changes genitalia configurations without my permission with a 10 ft pole.  Fingers crossed that they don't put it on Patreon or anything.  

  8. 4 minutes ago, Woofbyte said:

    Oof, I'm not honestly sure how to feel about that then. Thanks for letting me know about that. That's probably why they left the server we shared, they probably got kicked or something. Should I have the Beware deleted? Or keep it up to let people know this person is very very underage to be on most of these sites?

    No, we won't delete it. We will, however, leave a mod note they're a minor for everyone else's sake.

  9. Mod comment:  Given the information provided by both Trixx and Caero align, we've decided to keep this as an open beware.  For both clients and artists collaborations are considered one entity.  Due to the inability to do a partial chargeback, the difference between $530 and $480 is owed to Caero for the matter of the chargebacks to be resolved.

    All other circumstances surrounding the chargebacks we leave others to create their own opinions on the matter.

  10. 2 hours ago, paintedbees said:

    Trixx has filed a dispute/chargeback for the TOTAL sum of the commission including the $200 USD I had already reimbursed her.
    The invoice was sent via the musician's paypal and therefore the dispute is solely hitting his account.

    740196be557a221d630e3348ae36987855678349.png (540×318)

    I am at a loss for words. We've never dealt with a charge back dispute before. If anyone has any advice, we'd love to hear it.
    I've advised the musician to send the completed work as well as proof of all verbal agreements, etc. I'm not sure what else can be done.

    Don't use their automated system. Call them immediately and speak to a person. 

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