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  1. It's been escalated to a claim. Hope that clears things up.
  2. I haven't closed the claim, nor have I received the refund yet either. According to the artist's TOS a refund can take 1-6 months.
  3. On the 8th of April this year I asked xBlueAshesx about a Lion King YCH. She then accepted, I gave her my PayPal info and paid. Unfortunately I don't have the acceptance PM anymore, but here's a screenshot of the PayPal payment as proof. On the 13th of July, it'd been almost 3 months and I hadn't received anything back from xBlueAshesx yet, not even a WIP picture. I suggested a refund if she hadn't started on the art piece yet. This PM was read, but never replied to. After 6 days with no acknowledgement, it was then that I decided to request a chargeback. xBlueAshesx finally replied and offered to finish the piece. I refused, feeling like it would be rushed. Her final PM said I would receive a refund and also how I should "read an artist's TOS in the future", which I actually did do before placing the commission. I would've been happy to wait 3 months, I've actually waited that long for commissions in the past, but like I said, I was expecting to see a WIP pic at this point at least. Sadly, nothing. I'm now blocked by her on Furaffinity and no longer able to contact her. She continues to take on new commissions.
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