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  1. There’s an update! I alerted the artist that I did make a beware and that I would resolve this when I received the final art. I have screenshots of all the way to my latest reply. I did originally say that it would be deleted, but I quickly noticed that I’m unable to and changed it to “resolve.” I did add this in another message. They didn’t reply to this, so I asked for my money back. To that point, I received nothing. I said I would not resolve it until I actually received the final piece and finally I received my first WIPS they followed it up with this message as well. I won’t say any interpretations as I don’t want to upset the artist. I thought this was very mature and stated this. At this point I did use the term resolve as well. I tried to come off as understanding of the situation, and today I received these messages. They had just noticed I said I made a beware. This resulted in more messages. I made it clear on my main post that even the original art would not change my opinions about the situation. I made my thoughts clear in that^ last message, saying that I cannot just get rid of this like I wasn’t treated poorly. The term “resolved” has a meaning. I did feel bad as they did add extra art (found below). I was just able to get access to my images. All credit to artsyposy of course: and here are the sketches included with the art for the amount of time I had to wait: Make of this what you will. I got my art and that’s why I originally made my main post. This is resolved as an art transaction, and I may do another update if they have anything important to add.
  2. @zeshi23 oh yikes! I always feel bad when this stuff happens to other people! :0 do you know roughly how long you waited and was it a large piece? I mean it’s odd that it’s taken so long for a chibi piece, but I can’t imagine the wait for a possible large project.
  3. @Sivi yeah, and I can’t tell if they’ve seen my messages either. If I ever get the art, I’ll update or resolve this, but I doubt that’ll happen. I’m “lucky” that I only got a chibi because I can only imagine how much more I’d be annoyed if it was for the price of their fullbodies. I feel kind of dumb that I was too passive for too long, but I don’t think I could have predicted this would happen- I tend to see the best in people. Now that you mentioned the rabbit thing… that is really weird. I hadn’t thought of how strange that was. They were able to message me without the cable, so I’m sure they could have made some post? Their post said they were stressed with college but that was not what they told me. To be fair, I think both played a part because they at least sent a pic of the gnawed on cords.
  4. On September 1st 2019. I commissioned ArtsyPosy on twitter to draw a badge of my soon to be suit, Wad the cat. They first contacted me on August 31st 2019, and we discussed the details of my badge. I sent payment via PayPal, and I sent them a screenshot of the receipt. They also confirmed my payment. I set no specific due date because they said they were busy, but they said it could be done around mid-late September. The next day on September 2nd, I messaged them because the reference I sent them needed a small change. I decided to change the colour of his feet to black, so when fursuiting, his paws would not be dirty (originally white). I sent an updated reference, and they confirmed the changes, promising to even make a note on their monitor to not forget. They had not started my commission at this point. I sent messages throughout the 17th of September. We chatted together about how my suit progress was going, and things seemed okay. They were saying they were working on other art, though and were busy doing other things. I didn’t care because it was only mid September. They stopped messaging until the 27th. They told me on September 27th that the commission would be done by October 19th 2019. It’s a little later than planned, but it wasn’t unreasonable. They then went silent again, and they posted they weren’t feeling the best. I felt bad, but I also wanted to keep contact, so I sent some wholesome dog memes to keep communication going. I sent messages in October and November. On December 24th, 2019, they finally replied, but they still had no update for me. I was just relieved to hear from them, but I was suspecting something was amiss. They said they’d give me a work in progress photo, but none came. They also said that I hadn’t paid. I sent them the screenshot of the PayPal receipt I messaged to them the moment I first paid. They then told me that they mistakenly had me on their waitlist still. They then told me they’d just be starting my commission. On January 3rd 2020, they messaged me asking what colour I’d like the background to be. I had specified white before, so I clarified that. They said I would have the piece the following Sunday. They verified this on January 7th 2020. Then they cut off communication again. On March 9th 2020, they finally messaged me again. They said I’d have my art by at least that Thursday. They told me because of the wait, I’d receive a free sketch as well. I was excited, but I did not receive the art. They did not message me until March 31st 2020. They said their WiFi went out. I told them I had waited quite a while, and I hoped to see the badge soon (this is digital by the way: they didn’t have to print/laminate/mail anything to me). They responded by saying the virus was stressing them out, and I understand that, but this was supposedly finished a while ago. They also said that my change (the clarified feet paw colour change from September 2nd 2019) and the sketch (given to me for waiting so long) was causing them to delay further. At this point, I had enough and was very honest with them saying, “I would much rather have the original art first… I hope this is understandable. We already clarified the change 3 months ago, and the change was made the day after I ordered the commission (September 1st changed September 2nd). I know this does make it trickier, and I do apologise, but this information was told a while ago. I’m nervous about waiting more months when the artwork is already completed for a sketch. I just want to be very open about how I feel about that.” They responded with saying they acknowledged my delays, but they said they’d send my art with the chibi anyway that next Thursday. They said they couldn’t send updates or the final piece because their rabbit had chewed their charging cord. It’s been another 2 weeks and they have not emailed/messaged me the images. It is now April 15th 2020, and it was supposed to be done before October. At this point, my opinion cannot be swayed even if I ever end up receiving the art. Their management and customer service is poor, providing dozens of deadlines and providing many excuses. I am beyond tired, and I advise that potential clients exercise caution when ordering art from ArtsyPosy. I will try to see if I can ever get my art to post and update this experience
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