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Everything posted by DragonMaid

  1. The debt is considered paid, they have given me a few completed emotes and some other art as well.
  2. I was able to hash things out with the artist in my beware, we are now on good terms. We met at BLFC 2022 and had a really nice conversation about everything and were able to become friends again to work past the issue. They have been drawing other art for me and delivered a few of the emotes, but we no longer have any issues with each other.
  3. - The agreement was for 13 twitch emotes at the cost of $15 for each emote. Was a total of $195 but I rounded up to $200 (Proof in attached files) - Proof of payment is in attached files below - Here is the entire archive of the conversation between myself and the artist. I originally contacted them via twitter and after getting no responses for several months I resorted to messaging them on discord where I got a few responses. I blurred my name and the art due to not wanting to be recognized and harassed. I fear a public backlash due to their large following. I tipped an additional $5 for rushing the two emotes requested, and received no reply afterwards.
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