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  1. I commissioned an artist on Toyhouse on Jan 24th and really quickly got a wip on the 25th, then I paid. I didn't hear from the artist for a few days after that, which didn't bother me. They were consistently logged in (Toyhouse has a tab that shows how recently they were active), but then they just kind of vanished. It's been two weeks since they've logged in at all and I'm starting to get worried. They don't have any other active socials linked and I've had an experience with an artist ghosting me and vanishing off the platform before so I am a bit paranoid. I just want to know how long I should wait before trying to contact them through email considering that's the only other way I could attempt contact besides toyhouse.
  2. The artist has since deleted their Twitter accounts after another user confronted them on Twitter for the same issue
  3. Back on September 16th, I commissioned the user Azhakuiin for a chibi and a fullbody. On September 28th, I was sent a sketch of the chibi and satisfied, I gave the okay to continue. 10 days passed after that with no word, so I texted them to see how things were going. On October 1st I recieved a text back saying they'd thought they sent it, but must not have and sent me the finished chibi. They also mention having been working on several sketches for the fullbody, which they would work on getting to me. On the 14th of October, I text them again inquiring about the progress of the sketches. On October 17th, I get a response from them saying they had a medical intervention and hadn't been able to be on in a few days. They then send 2 unfinished sketches to show progress and say they'll be trying to work through their commission schedule this month. I responded saying I loved the second sketch and I hope they get well soon. They still haven't viewed my response to this day, and that was the last contact we had. They haven't been active on TH since then according to their stats. After a month of silence, I started getting anxious so I messaged them on deviantart, saying who I was and that I wanted to check in. That message also hasn't been viewed. On December 10th, after seeing some activity on their Twitter, I messaged them there saying mostly the same thing. That also hasn't been viewed. I messaged them again on the 28th, after seeing some activity in their likes, but also no response. [Mod Note: Artist has turned off DMs on all, making private contact impossible.] So as a last ditch effort, I sent them an email on Dec 30th saying that basically I'd tried to contact them numerous times and if they can't complete the art then I would take a refund. I also mention if they don't respond, I will file a dispute. Though, what I didn't realize when writing that, is the money was sent via friends and family, which means I cannot dispute it. So seeing as they haven't responded to the email either, it just means I'm out of luck. So instead of the dispute, I figured I'd make this to warn others. [Mod note: Further contact has been attempted recently; no direct response was provided to the client. They have opted to lock their public accounts in response.]
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