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  • Beware Raver Neonlight

    • Who: Raver Neonlight
      Where: https://www.instagram.com/raver_neonlight/
      When: 06/11/2019
      What: Fursuit/ Fursuit Parts


    I commissioned Raver back in June 2019 for a bodysuit with indoor feet. Prices were discussed and the total came to $1050. I later added on custom shoes to go with the feet paws which was $150. Totaling now $1200. 









    I had ask if a deadline of late Oct/Start of Nov as I had a convention later in Nov. He said he would try but he had a convention in July he was attending and would try getting it started in Aug.





    Over the rest of 2019, I had messaged him multiple times asking for updates which I was always met with excuses about illness or family matters. Which I understand life sometimes gets in the way so I let it slide. See screenshots below of all excuses also excuses from 2020.
















    Now into 2020 I had asked a few more times for updates to which I was met with more excuses(See above). Then in March world wide lockdowns started to occur. I asked him if he would be working from home during the lockdown and he said he wouldn't be able to so I waited. Come April he mentioned on social media that he would be going back to work. One of his excuses was that my DTD wasn't suitable for use. He had waited almost a full year(April 2020) to tell me my DTD wasn't useable even though he had opened the box when he first got it and would've seen the issue with it(issue was I used cling film instead of a painters suit)






    Proof he opened the box when he first got it



    He claims that is his TOS it states 50% would be nonrefundable once work had started. Not once were his TOS sent to me nor were they anywhere on his profile for me to access. Only a small message at the start did he say "when I start 50% is non refundable"



    After a lot of back and forth I sent him a new DTD and had asked that my feetpaws be worked on while he waited on the new DTD


    Feetpaws were not worked out while he waited for the DTD. He then also had a surgery coming up.






    That was all he had to show, for almost a year. There's no confirming those are even meant to be mine, could easily be someone else's. 



    I then asked for more updates in April and May. More excuses(attached above with excuses from 2019). I was rather upset at this point that I had waited almost a full year and nothing had been done. He then posted that he was selling a commission slot for a head piece that would be started in June. I messaged him rather upset explaining my disappointment that someone would have their piece worked on before mine was even started. On 19th of May 2020 after informing him of my disapproval of the lack of work, he decided to cancel my order and was only offering me a 50% refund.







    I tried going to both PayPal and my bank to see if they could help but because it had been so long either could do anything to help me. I also tried to get a lawyer but because he's in a different country from me(Scotland and Norway) they said it would cost more to get my money back.

    He tried to send me 50% refund but I didn't accept until I had spoken with my bank and PayPal but because both too so long to get back to me PayPal refunded the money Raver had sent back to him. I later requested the 50%($600) from Raver on 26th Oct 2020. Luckily he sent me the money. 





    Raver has since said in a Instagram Live that he does only 30% nonrefundable deposit. I have since emailed him regarding this and he has agreed to refund me. I am now waiting on the rest that I am owed.


    Edited by James
    added cap

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    It amazes me when artists cry to call customers - who have been patient as you been - rude when you've been a saint through this.  It was like watching teeth be pulled asking for updates since they rarely gave you any. 

    I'm glad they're going to send you the rest because that is an awful TOS they have especially when all they did was cut out a foot of fur which doesn't equate anywhere near the amount you paid.

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