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  • Beware: Nonsiito/Pupsoap

    • Who: Nonsiito, Anto, Nonsito
      Where: https://twitter.com/nonsiito
      When: 07/14/2022
      What: Commission

    I first commissioned Nonsiito May 5th, 2022. He did my first 5 emotes, and finished them on May 19th.


    On June 5th, he dmed me unprompted, trying to get more commissions, to which I declined, but I know he dmed other people in that time as well, as I discovered later on. This made me almost not commission him again, but I had a good experience, right?



    I commissioned Non for a second set of 5 emotes on July 14th. This time his wait time was 1-2 months. That was fine, at least he was being honest. He quoted $70, but I paid $100 to be nice, as he was using comms to pay for college.


    I didn't hear anything from him again until August 23rd, when I dmed him asking about the emotes. He claimed he was starting work, and that was that.


    From then I waited until September 6th, and messaged him again. Nothing. I dmed him on twitter on the 8th, he responded that he "hasn't checked discord in awhile." Ok whatever. He said he was struggling on his twitter so I gave him the benefit of the doubt and gave him an extra month. That was my mistake.



    October 3rd, this is when issues begin. I message him, he reads the messages, doesn't respond. Instead, puts a due date on my work for the 31st, and leaves me on read. I call him out and he responds saying he forgot to reply.


    On the 14th, he then proceeds to advertise a wiggle chibi profile picture, to which I decline again, as I'm still waiting for my emotes.


    November 4th, I dm him asking him about progress, as the work is long past the 1-2 month wait, plus past the due date of October 31st. He replies on the 6th with some rough sketches, to which I ask him to fix, he does once, then I ask him to fix another thing, and then get no response. He hasn't responded to me since the 6th now.


    On the 14th I notice he's active, I message him on twitter and instagram, no response, still on sent. He's been active on instagram as well. On the 20th he marks my emotes as finished. I still have not received them. At this point he's ghosted me for 2 weeks. I proceed to email him, and dm him on twitter, instagram, and discord periodically, trying to get a response, or at least a read. Nothing. No response since the 6th of November.




    Email 3.PNG

    Now I'm here. December 5th. I've heard nothing back from him since. I wanted to make people aware of his poor behavior, and his ghosting. That is all.


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