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  • Beware: LunaOfWater / LunaOfBooty

    • Who: LunaOfWater
      Where: https://twitter.com/LunaOfWater
      When: 11/02/2019
      What: Commission

    My experience with this artist has been terrible. Correspondence is non-existent, and she seems to take forever on all of her commissions.

    I ordered an emergency commission back in November of 2019. Since it was an emergency comm, I was under the impression that it would have a relatively quick turnaround time. Six months later, and I haven't even received so much as a sketch from her.



    Her commission queue is ludicrously huge - I only found it after some digging. I never would have commissioned her if I saw how much outstanding work she has. She even has a queue for refunds. Refunds. The last update to her queue was made in February of 2020 - three months ago.


    I sent her a Twitter DM a month after paying for the commission. No response. Two weeks later, I sent another. No response. Fed up, I sent an email requesting a refund nine days afterwards. Only then did I get a response on Twitter. She stated she was halfway through the sketching process, and offered to have it completed in a couple of days, even upgrading the type of commission from a coloured sketch to a cell shaded piece. I felt satisfied with what I was offered, and accepted.


    January of this year. I send another DM asking about the progress of the sketch. Again, I received no response. I had been periodically checking her Trello for activity, and it was incredibly slow. I have waited, and waited, and waited, and received nothing. Not a word, not a WIP. Nothing.

    I sent an email requesting a refund again today, and stated that I will never be doing business with her again. I will also be warning my friends about her, as well as leaving this Beware. Her conduct is completely unprofessional - and, despite her gigantic queue, she still constantly bumps her commission posts and takes on more, only adding to the enormous pile.


    Please, do yourselves a favour and do not buy from her.



    Edited by Celestina
    censored email, updated caps

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    I have had several friends and mutuals also experience horrible customer service from her. Getting a final product is hit or miss, mostly miss. Like you said, she constantly opens new slots and rarely updates her queue. Her last update to her queue was in February... Sorry you got caught up with her. I hope you can get your art or a refund soon. You aren't the only one, and TBH more bewares about her will probably pop up soon.

    Edited by aerifiretruck
    Adding another sentence
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    Since it was an emergency comm, I was under the impression that it would have a relatively quick turnaround time.

    Unfortunately, at least in my experience, this is never the case. Out of all the art I've commissioned, the only four times I have been burned by the artist simply not completing the work has been "emergency commissions", while all ~30 of my "normal" commissions have been completed without hassle. At this point, I never buy emergency commissions.

    Sorry to hear this happened, OP!

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    Hey, OP! I'm sorry you've had such a horrible experience with Luna, unfortunately myself, two of my friends and my partner have all had horrible experiences - and I feel utterly responsible because I recommended her after my first commission was completed. To go by my first experience, LunaOfWater was one of the first ever artists I had commissioned and so I didn't really have an understanding or expectations of time & communication in regards to this sort of transaction. To summarise my experience, I wrote a review on her artist design page and both myself and my partner were promptly blocked from her Twitter, for no other reason than leaving a negative review:


    I don't believe I was condescending or rude in any way during my review, I was just completely honest given my experience with her as a whole. At this point, we weren't exaggerating with her trello being 100-ish orders deep. And funnily enough we found my partner's commission on her trello two days before she actually DM'd it to him. To save completely bombarding your thread with images, I've taken DM's of our last experience with her and put them into imgur links:






    I will try to encourage my friends to post their screenshots and such, as I don't want to do it on their behalf. But my friend was completely ignored my Luna altogether when attempting to commission her, she /also/ wrote on her artist design review page and Luna responded. To which she DM'd her directly and also emailed her and got absolutely 0 response, yet again. My other friend is waiting on about a $200 refund for emotes and panels that she's never received and never had any WIPs despite being promised them twice. I have a friend that commissioned her afterwards for artwork of himself and a biggish v-streamer and received it within a week and a half. It's absolutely boggling and makes no sense.

    As of right now, she's completely MIA. Her trello has been inactive since Feb and her Twitter since March. I don't wish to make any speculations, but I feel as if she's taken on too many commissions to handle. I know she had a discord server at one point, but I don't know if it's been shut down or she simply kicked my friend for requesting her refund.

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    • Administrator
    3 minutes ago, sstphs said:

    Hey, OP! I'm sorry you've had such a horrible experience with Luna, unfortunately myself, two of my friends and my partner have all had horrible experiences - and I feel utterly responsible because I recommended her after my first commission was completed. To go by my first experience, LunaOfWater was one of the first ever artists I had commissioned and so I didn't really have an understanding or expectations of time & communication in regards to this sort of transaction. To summarise my experience, I wrote a review on her artist design page and both myself and my partner were promptly blocked from her Twitter, for no other reason than leaving a negative review:


    I don't believe I was condescending or rude in any way during my review, I was just completely honest given my experience with her as a whole. At this point, we weren't exaggerating with her trello being 100-ish orders deep. And funnily enough we found my partner's commission on her trello two days before she actually DM'd it to him. To save completely bombarding your thread with images, I've taken DM's of our last experience with her and put them into imgur links:






    I will try to encourage my friends to post their screenshots and such, as I don't want to do it on their behalf. But my friend was completely ignored my Luna altogether when attempting to commission her, she /also/ wrote on her artist design review page and Luna responded. To which she DM'd her directly and also emailed her and got absolutely 0 response, yet again. My other friend is waiting on about a $200 refund for emotes and panels that she's never received and never had any WIPs despite being promised them twice. I have a friend that commissioned her afterwards for artwork of himself and a biggish v-streamer and received it within a week and a half. It's absolutely boggling and makes no sense.

    As of right now, she's completely MIA. Her trello has been inactive since Feb and her Twitter since March. I don't wish to make any speculations, but I feel as if she's taken on too many commissions to handle. I know she had a discord server at one point, but I don't know if it's been shut down or she simply kicked my friend for requesting her refund.

    Rather than everyone commenting on this post, they are all encouraged to make their own post if they still don't have the art. Tag usage is counted on our tags page, and the more records are tagged the higher their number will be.

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    Hey OP I'm so sorry for your experience. I went through a similar one and have yet to receive any sketch since May of 2019. I tried contacting Luna multiple times with 0 response and I saw them posting more and more commission slots being open so I got a bad feeling. After 2 emails and 3 DMs I finally commented on her commission post which they then immediately replied to asking me to remove my comment on their post. It gave me a bad feeling at the time but I really thought Luna was just a little overwhelmed and they were nice so I felt guilty about posting on their commission opening so I deleted it. I was unaware of how long their queue truly was and I thought they just needed some extra time. Now they seem to be MIA it doesn't look like i'll be receiving my refund  since it's been way past the date. I feel a bit foolish for believing their excuses after seeing all these disheartening posts :/ Sorry again and I hope things work out for you!






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    • Administrator
    2 minutes ago, Cinisolus said:

    Hey OP I'm so sorry for your experience. I went through a similar one and have yet to receive any sketch since May of 2019. I tried contacting Luna multiple times with 0 response and I saw them posting more and more commission slots being open so I got a bad feeling. After 2 emails and 3 DMs I finally commented on her commission post which they then immediately replied to asking me to remove my comment on their post. It gave me a bad feeling at the time but I really thought Luna was just a little overwhelmed and they were nice so I felt guilty about posting on their commission opening so I deleted it. I was unaware of how long their queue truly was and I thought they just needed some extra time. Now they seem to be MIA it doesn't look like i'll be receiving my refund  since it's been way past the date. I feel a bit foolish for believing their excuses after seeing all these disheartening posts 😕 Sorry again and I hope things work out for you



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