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  • Welcome to Artists Beware! 

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  • Beware: fumophu11

    • Who: Artist: fumophu11
      Where: https://twitter.com/fumophu11
      When: 09/15/2019
      What: Commission
      NSFW Content

    Contacted him via E-mail, where we confirmed the commission script idea then moved to discord for faster chat.

    In discord we settled on the price/rates where I proceeded to pay half up front on 9/15/19 (150 USD) (censored Screen shot below)

    They worked on the first page which was submitted for review and verification on 10/17/19

    They have had zero responses in discord since 10/17/19. (screen shot below)

    I sent a check up via discord, which states a generic either no longer valid/blocked response.

    I found the original contact e-mail and sent a update request and have still received no response.

    I found his twitter and sent him inquiry on the discord issue, they sent a response confirming their discord was still active (so that means it had to be blocked), so confirmed why I was contacting them. 

    Upon realizing this was regarding a commission they flaked on they then blocked me on twitter as well. (screen shot below)


    at this point it's been 9 months since the last actual confirmation of any work from the artist with all attempts to contact them resulting in ghosting/blocks.



    PP screen shot confirmation.png




    Edited by Celestina
    added email cap

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    Welcome to Artists Beware! 

    All posts have been reviewed prior to being allowed in.


    Comments are moderated:  Please review the Commenting Rules.  Comments that don't meet our rules will not be posted.

    If your post is resolved:  Contact one (1) member of staff or leave a comment, and we'll update your post!

    If you are the bewaree:  Review "I've been posted to Artists Beware, now what?".

    If a beware needs a tag update:  Post a comment!

    To contact a member of staff:  See the Staff page or fill out the Contact Us form.

    Posts are not deleted unless you can prove they are fabricated.  If this is the case contact one (1) admin, and we will help you asap.


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