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  • Beware DrakonicKnight

    • Who: DrakonicKnight
      Where: https://twitter.com/DrakonicKnight
      When: 02/13/2018
      What: Fursuit/ Fursuit Parts

    I am currently waiting on a fursuit that was first discussed at MFF 2017 and commissioned February 2018.



    I paid off the suit in installments with the last payment being sent on August 2018. The suit is of my Thylacine character. I was told that the head would have to be sculpted, molded, and cast as it was a custom character with no bases for the head of the Thylacine. This was fine with me because at first I didn’t mind waiting. As stated in below it was discussed at MFF 2017 that work would be started once it was half paid off around the beginning of Summer 2018. Now I do understand I definitely wasn’t first on the list which again is fine.



    Fast forward to early 2020 pre-pandemic. It was discussed the suit would started after FWA 2020 and be done in time for Megaplex 2020. Drakonicknight stated they lost a year due to carpal tunnel at the beginning of 2018 (unsure if they met 2019) and lasted until the end of 2019. I understood that, I know carpal tunnel isn’t fun to deal with.  This was in February 2020. In July I messaged them again asking for updates.  Now with Covid a thing, all cons, including Megaplex, were canceled. So I figured that the suit would not be done in time for when Megplex was supposed to happen (August 2020)

    Now in-between all of this in 2019 DrakonicKnight did work on pre-made partials. While to me this is fine but I feel that your actual paying customers should come first. I understand emergency situations come up and you need money, it happens to the best of us.



    January 2021. I messaged DrakonicKnight again asking for updates and to discuss a new deadline for the suit to be done. As seen in the caps below I asked about it, twice, both of which seem to have been ignored as the conversation jumps from  February 9th 2021 to May 6th 2021 with no new completion date discussed. I tried contacting on twitter saying that I didn’t hear from them on Telegram and asked for an update. In April I was informed that they were scheduling a day for helpers to come out and help get things done.



    August 2021 I message again saying I tried contacting on twitter and didn’t get a response so went to Telegram at that time only the head needed to be sculpted/completed and that was the last point of contact. I am not looking for a refund on the suit. I would love for it to be completed while receiving the same quality that all past clients have received. However if it does come to it, I will ask for a refund, I don't want it to come to that since I would feel a bit uncomfortable seeing what was once to be my character on someone else.



    Pictured (I hope I can fit them all if not I’ll post the more important ones)are the conversations I’ve had with them. I also ordered a shirt from them (which is seen discussed in the pictures as well) but that also HAS NOT been delivered.























    Edited by James
    inserted new cap

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    Update 12/12/21:

    It's been almost two months since lat POC with no updates. Below is the conversation we had on Oct 15th-20th, 2021 asking for updates, and was told the head still had to be sculpted (unless I wanted a wolf base to which I denied) as well as the airbrushing which will be done in one shot once the head is done. A few days ago I logged on to twitter to see that they went to MFF (Midwest Fur Fest) made nine partial suits to sell at con. The images were posted on twitter after MFF was over. Before that there was no contact saying that commission work will be halted while they work on stuff to sell at con. Their twitter was semi-inactive from June-December 10th (When the photos from MFF were posted) I contacted them again the other day asking if there is any updates on my suit and so far I haven't heard anything back.


    DK AB Update 1.jpg

    DK AB Update 2.jpg

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