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  • Beware: FurryFapChap/CheeryLuna

    • Who: FurryFapChap CheeryLuna
      Where: http://furryfapchap.deviantart.com/
      When: 04/19/2014
      What: Commission
      NSFW Content

    May 18, 2014



    WHO: FurryFapChap/CheeryLuna

    WHERE: http://furryfapchap.deviantart.com/

    WHAT: A 6-page NSFW comic.

    WHEN: First contact April 9th, Commission canceled May 18th.

    PROOF: PP transactions showing original date of invoice, More detailed view of the request, showing date when I sent a reminder.

    EXPLAIN: Read from the bottom to the top in each image.
    Shows the dates of his notes to me.

    I was contacted to make a short comic. I agreed to it and gave pricing. I figured I would be able to get a little bit more money if I could sell the slots for the two "random girl" characters since their identities didn't matter to FCC. I gave FCC a discount to do this and would sell of the slots for pretty cheap, but I would still be making an extra $40 so it would work out for everyone.

    Since I didn't know how long it would take to sell the slots, I said that he didn't have to pay until that happened. It took about 12 days to sell them both, but I did and those people paid right away. I sent an invoice on the 19th to FCC. I let him know, sent the roughed pages and several days later sent a reminder through PayPal.

    I've learned my lesson in the past about doing comic work before being paid, so I wasn't going to continue work until he paid. A few days later the request had still not been paid, so I sent a DA note reminding him. I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and say that if for whatever reason he didn't get the request to send it to me directly. To which he responded that that is what he had already done (for some reason ignoring the request sent to his email address?) and got a receipt (which I wasn't shown).

    At this point, I am sure I was being strung along, but gave it a couple of days anyway. Three days later and still nothing. Since it is all on his end at the moment, I said it was up to him to contact PayPal and see what happened. If he paid with his card, then where did the money get sent? PayPal should know about this kind of error.

    He said he'd call them and straighten it out, but it has since been 12 days and I am tired of waiting. Not to mention that the other two people sent their payments in on the 18th and 19th of April and I don't want them to wait forever. I don't like having projects hanging over my head. I decided to send FCC a note canceling his slot and also canceled the unpaid invoice.

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